Partly as an experiment to see if I can reduce the load on my node 
reduced and partly to see if I can restore 
Net connectivity to users here on the lan I've been playing around with 
freenet.config bandwidth and 
maxnodeconnections parameters. I've cut (and obviously I don't want 
these to be permanent) input and output 
bandwith to 8k and maxnodeconnections to 30. I still see 100% load on 
the box, and the Net connection is still 
choked. Am I missing something? How far would I need to cut these in 
order to see a difference? (earlier 
posting about ADSL actually does not make sense for traffic transiting 
the node and in fact did not seem to 
improve anything).

BTW at this point in order to get mail out of here I actually have to 
shut down the node. I guess the publicity is working...

"Democracies die behind closed doors."
- Judge Damon Keith 

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