
Checking my node this morning, (after waiting for top to come up, swap swap swap) I 
found I had some 155 java 
processes going. Any way to control this? Right now I can either run a node or work, 
not both. Maxnodeconnections 
seems to have no effect on the number of connections the node tries to support. Nor 
does bandwidth control seem 
to have any effect. Obviously there's going to be a storm of activity when a public 
announcement is broadcast 
about Freenet but just now it seems there are too few persistent nodes to keep up. We 
use our net connection to 
make a living here, so this comes down to a hard choice. If folks like me have to 
continue taking nodes down in 
order to work it will exacerbate the shortage of persistent nodes. Thanks for any 
hints you can provide.

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- George W. Bush

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