Now it's nothing but RNFs - can't contact any other servers at all; and at 35% system 
load despite no requests going either 

Nothing in the visible logs.

Spoke too soon, now the load it at 47%

Blegh - my routing table has gotten corrupted AGAIN.


Ok - replies to messages which I can read on the web archive but which I can't see on 
my email server...  Blasted slow 

Re: Trying to help with the routing table problems.  Yes, I did that, deleted the rt 
files - didn't delete the lp files, not 
sure what they are.  Didn't help  - still getting the no nodes known problem.  
Reseeded - same problem.

Yes - I am using suns jre.

Oddly, even though my node knows about no other nodes - I am still serving up data to 

As to strange ports being open.  Now it seems ok - but they were definately open at 
one poine and it was definately the 
freenet.exe that was listening on them.

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