> >  The recent mention of the temp directory prompted me to go look
> > to see what was in there.  I found 1200 files totaling 125meg!!!!
> >
> > Aren't these supposed to be being deleted when freenet is
> > done with them?
> Not necessarily.

Are you sure?  What is the *point* if temporary files if they're not
temporary? :-)   Freenet uses temporary files for numerous reasons but the
bottom line has to always be, when it's no longer needed, it should be
deleted.  Or reused.  Or whatever.

Quick important question though ... when the original poster (Joel M.
Baldwin) reported looking in the temp directory, I assume the refence was to
the freenet "store_nnnnn/temp" folder rather than /tmp or C:\Temp or
something generic ...

Temporary files accumulating in store_nnnnn/temp without being deleted
(runaway temp files) is a serious error and should be raised to the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list.  Temporary files accumulating
elsewhere is very unlikely to be a freenet problem and more likely to be a
JVM problem, or something completely unrelated (e.g. Microsoft Word,

> Some Unix implementations clear /tmp on startup, some
> don't.  Are you sure all the files in there were created by Freenet?
> Whatever OS you're running can be set easily to clear out any and all
> temporary directories on system boot.

This is a good point, but if freenet is creating runaway temp files it is
only an appropriate workaround if you're prepared to regularly
reboot/restart the OS.

> have to do this on my Win2K box
> under the 'Documents and Settings' dir, or IE will cache the entire
> Internet on my hard drive.

Personally I would quite like IE to cache the entire Internet on my hard
drive. :-)

Seriously though, and slightly off-topic, IE's cache doesn't use temporary
files (as such), plus it has a prescribed upper-limit maximum size which you
can set.  IE caching is a good thing, but has nothing to do with the
temporary files that freenet may generate.  If you don't want IE to cache
anything, reduce its cache to zero.  If you don't want it to take up space
in your system partition, simply moves IEs cache elsewhere.  Check your IE
properties.  You shouldn't ever need to change the properties of Documents
And Settings just to fix an IE configuration.


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