On Sat, 2003-11-15 at 19:00, Art Charbonneau wrote:
> I think I have successfully modified the default values relating to
> bandwidth in Netscape (in a file in "defaults | pref" folder called
> "all.js".

Actually, you are supposed to modify that stuff via preferences
in Netscape, or perhaps at the about: URL described in the
README file in the Freenet distribution.  There is an important
Netscape parameter change described there which will help 
improve browsing.

I don't see how bandwidth control in Netscape could have anything
to do with the bandwidth used by your node.  Netscape talks to your
node, which talks to the other nodes.  Netscape is not between your
node and the others.

> I seem to have a bit better connection, but mainly I still get
> "waiting for".

Connections get better the longer you keep the node up.  The
network has worked better in the past than it does right now.
Hopefully things will get better soon.

> I've managed to get as far as the 'Freenet Help Index', and I'm
> experiencing lots of node activity, but when I attempt to get into,
> say, 'Freenet Movies' (or a dozen other links) all I get is an
> interminable "waiting for" message.
> Well, I've also received a "Key not found" message when I tried "Enter
> here at your own risk" link at the bottom of "The Freedom Engine"
> intro page.

This is an indication that Freenet as a whole is not working
very well right now.  Keep your node running and updated, and
hopefully it will get better soon.

-- Ed Huff

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