On Sun, Feb 15, 2004 at 09:00:36PM +0000, Jim Dixon wrote:
> On Fri, 13 Feb 2004, Paul Derbyshire wrote:
> > > Freeing up RAM is not related to routing table at all. Unfortunately,
> > > Freenet code contains a bug (a so called "memory leak") which takes
> > > memory from your OS, but then "forgets" about it, not using it and
> > > not returning it - so the amount of memory used by your node grows
> > > constantly, until you start getting Out Of Memory errors (or OOMs for
> > > short).
> >
> > How the hell is that even *possible*? It's written in a language with
> > garbage collecting memory management for chrissake, and the Java GC
> > *is* smart enough to collect circular object graphs that have become
> > unreachable by running threads.
> What makes you think that?
> >                               Is it a VM bug or is it just creating
> > objects it theoretically could reach (thus they don't get GC'd), but
> > ignores forever?
> This would be the case if in fact Freenet had a memory leak of the type
> described.  However, whenever someone tells you authoritatively that
> such a memory leak exists, you have to wonder why they don't fix it, if
> they are so certain about it.

"space leaks" probably do exist in the code somewhere.
> I suspect that "Freeing up RAM is not related to routing table at all"
> is simply wrong.
> It is noticeable that Freenet uses a ridiculous amount of RAM.  If I run
> top on a node that connects to only one other node, and sporadically at
> that, I see that it is using 79 MB of memory.  The number doesn't appear
> to grow -- there is no evidence of a memory leak -- but it starts out and
> remains huge.

As I have said on numerous occasions: RAM is cheap. Freedom or working
software is not cheap, it's bloody expensive. 79MB is way under what
most nodes use. We may be able to get perm node usage down to 80MB at
some point, but it's not an immediate priority. Don't you think it would
be nice to have a working network?
> My single inactive node doesn't transmit any messages.  The only thing
> that could account for the 79 MB of memory used would seem to be
> routing information relating to the 98 nodes it knows about:

Uhmm, no. That's not the only thing that uses memory in fred. RTFS :)
> ----------------------------------------------
> Routing Table status: Feb 15, 2004 12:58:00 PM
> Number of node references             98
> Attempted to contact node references  98
> Contacted node references             24
> Connections with Successful Transfers  2
> Backed off nodes                       0
> ----------------------------------------------
Matthew J Toseland - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Freenet Project Official Codemonkey - http://freenetproject.org/
ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.

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