[EMAIL PROTECTED] Mon Feb 16 14:05:35 2004 wrote in an attachment:

> > It is noticeable that Freenet uses a ridiculous amount of RAM.  If I run
> > top on a node that connects to only one other node, and sporadically at
> > that, I see that it is using 79 MB of memory.  The number doesn't appear
> > to grow -- there is no evidence of a memory leak -- but it starts out and
> > remains huge.
> As I have said on numerous occasions: RAM is cheap. Freedom or working
> software is not cheap, it's bloody expensive. 79MB is way under what
> most nodes use. We may be able to get perm node usage down to 80MB at
> some point, but it's not an immediate priority. Don't you think it would
> be nice to have a working network?

It would be.  Instead we have rivers of meaningless messages, memory hogs,
buggy code.  And lots of flippant remarks, of course.

Jim Dixon  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   tel +44 117 982 0786  mobile +44 797 373 7881
"Be liberal in what you accept,                                Jon Postel
and conservative in what you send."                               RFC 793
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