Quite a few of the documents that I try to get from freenet are not
immediately available. Usually I will have to retry a few times every day
and then suddenly the document is there. The document can be a file in
itself or a part of a multipart download.

Now I believe I can live with freenet being slow and that many documents
are not immediately available. What is annoying me is that _I_ will have
to do the retrying. Why is that not a task for the server?

I would like to have a way of putting a URL into a 'to-be-retrieved'
queue. This queue should be retried repeatedly until the server is
shutdown. But to make sure it does not overload freenet the pause between
each retry of a document should be 2^n minutes (where n is the number of

It could be an option when a document fails that you can choose to put it
in the queue. The queue should be visible and cancelable from the
nodestatus information.


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