"We update the software frequently, but we only make full releases every
so often. In fact the last one was over a year ago. This is because we
want the new release to be pretty good, considering the level of press
attention likely."

Well, it might be useful to update it anyway, especially now (started with
the 8090? build), since the networkreset and the fact they won't talk to any
other nodes.

I mean, YOU are always first to complain that too many old nodes lay around,
so it's only logical that you try to minimise the use of old builds. If ppl
go to sourceforge there, naturally, they'll think it's the latest version
and that it's still usefull.

I can understand you don't want to update it with every build, but it would
be sensible to update it after every major change. It would be for the
networks' (and users') own good.

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