Yeah, but if =3D is actually in the ini file, then that's bad (right?).

----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Sunday, October 03, 2004 10:52 AM
Subject: Re: [freenet-support] freenet starts and hangs

> mail escape string for '=' as '=' itself is used to escape special
> >No-one seems to have mentioned that your freenet.ini file looks like it
> >full of junk.  What is all this "=3D" crap?  Try deleting the freenet.ini
> >file and recreating it.  Freenet really doesn't like corrupted ini files.
> >
> >----- Original Message ----- 
> >From: "Anonymous" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Sent: Friday, October 01, 2004 8:03 PM
> >Subject: [freenet-support] freenet starts and hangs
> >
> >
> >> freenet starts up, then stops with flashing '!' on the systray rabbit.
> >> Anyone know the cause of this?   perhaps my settings are at fault? any
> >> advice / recomendations are welcome except for bandwidth limits which I
> >> have no choice except 512bytes / sec inbound and outbound.
> >>
> >> thanks
> >>
> >>
> >> freenet.log (in it's entirety)
> >> Oct 1, 2004 7:45:01 AM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): Starting
> >> (Fred) 0.5 node, build #5096 on JVM Sun Microsystems Inc.:Java
> >> Client VM:1.4.1_03-b02
> >> INFO: Native CPUID library
> >> 'freenet/support/CPUInformation/jcpuid-x86-windows.dll' loaded from
> >> resource
> >> INFO: Optimized native BigInteger library
> >> 'net/i2p/util/jbigi-windows-pentiummmx.dll' loaded from resource
> >> Oct 1, 2004 7:45:18 AM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): loading node
> >> keys: node
> >> Oct 1, 2004 7:45:19 AM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): Read node
> >> Oct 1, 2004 7:45:22 AM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): starting
> >> filesystem
> >> Oct 1, 2004 7:45:29 AM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): loading data
> >> store
> >> Oct 1, 2004 7:45:30 AM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): loading
> >> table
> >> Oct 1, 2004 7:45:32 AM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): From input:
> >512.0=
> >>
> >> Oct 1, 2004 7:45:32 AM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): Setting
> >> initTransferRate to 512.0
> >> Oct 1, 2004 7:45:54 AM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): Created new
> >> Oct 1, 2004 7:45:55 AM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): Loaded stats
> >> Oct 1, 2004 7:45:55 AM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): loading temp
> >> bucket factory
> >> Oct 1, 2004 7:45:55 AM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): loaded temp
> >> bucket factory
> >> Oct 1, 2004 7:45:55 AM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): Loaded bucket
> >> factory
> >> Oct 1, 2004 7:45:55 AM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): not seeding
> >> routing table
> >> Oct 1, 2004 7:45:59 AM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): starting node
> >> Could not initialize network I/O system! Exiting
> >> Unable to establish loopback connection
> >> at$ Source)
> >> at Method)
> >> at<init>(Unknown Source)
> >> at Source)
> >> at Source)
> >> at<init>(Unknown Source)
> >> at Source)
> >> at Source)
> >> at
> >>
> >>
> >> )
> >> at
> >>
> >>
> >> 9)
> >> at
> >> at
> >>
> >> at freenet.node.Main.startNode(
> >> at freenet.node.Main.spawnNode(
> >> at freenet.node.Main.main(
> >> Caused by: No buffer space available (maximum
> >> connections reached?): connect
> >> at Method)
> >> at Source)
> >> at Source)
> >> ... 15 more
> >>
> >>
> >> here's most of my freenet.ini
> >>
> >> [Node Config]
> >> # Freenet configuration file
> >> # This file was automatically generated by WinConfig on 09/30/04
> >>
> >> [Freenet Node]
> >>
> >> # Note that all properties may be overridden from the command line,
> >> # so for example, java Freenet.Node --listenPort 10000 will cause
> >> # the setting in this file to be ignored
> >>
> >>
> >> ########################
> >> # Normal entries
> >> ########################
> >>
> >> # The byte size of the datastore cache file.  Note that it will
> >> # a fixed size. If you change this or the storePath field following,
> >> # your entire datastore will be wiped and replaced with a blank one
> >> storeSize=3D795M
> >>
> >> # The path to a single file (including file name, or a comma-separated
> >list=
> >>
> >> # of files,
> >> # containing the data store.  The size of each file is given by
> ><storeSize>=
> >>
> >> # Defaults to cache_<port> in the main freenet directory.
> >> #storeFile=3D
> >>
> >>
> >> # The port to listen for incoming FNP (Freenet Node Protocol)
> >o=
> >> n.
> >> listenPort=3D######
> >>
> >> # The I.P. address of this node as seen by the public internet.
> >> # This is needed in order for the node to determine its own
> >> # NodeReference.
> >>
> >> # Transient nodes do not give out references to themselves, and should
> >> # therefore not receive any requests.  Set this to yes only if you are
> >> # on a slow, non-permanent connection.
> >> transient=3Dfalse
> >>
> >> # The directory to store any temporary files created by the node. It
> >> # deleted
> >> # automatically on node start and stop.
> >> tempDir=3DC:\freenet\
> >>
> >> ########################
> >> # Advanced Entries
> >> ########################
> >>
> >> # set to yes if you want your node to announce itself to other nodes
> >> doAnnounce=3Dyes
> >>
> >> # file containing initial node references
> >> seedFile=3Dseednodes.ref
> >>
> >> # The port to listen for local FCP (Freenet Client Protocol)
> >on=
> >>
> >> clientPort=3D8481
> >>
> >> # The maximum number of bytes per second to transmit, totaled between
> >> # incoming and outgoing connections.  Ignored if either
> >inputBandwidthLimit=
> >>
> >> # or outputBandwidthLiit is nonzero.
> >> #bandwidthLimit=3D2048
> >>
> >> # If nonzero, specifies an independent limit for outgoing data only.
> >> # (overrides bandwidthLimit if nonzero)
> >> outputBandwidthLimit=3D512
> >> inputBandwidthLimit=3D512
> >>
> >> #A comma-separated list of hosts which are allowed to talk to node via
> >> fcpHosts=3D127.0.0.1,localhost,,
> >>
> >> # The hops that initial requests should make.
> >> initialRequestHTL=3D25
> >>
> >> # If this is set then users that can provide the password can
> >> # can have administrative access. It is recommended that
> >> # you do not use this without also using adminPeer below
> >> # in which case both are required.
> >> adminPassword=3Dnull
> >>
> >> # If this is set, then users that are authenticated owners
> >> # of the given PK identity can have administrative access.
> >> # If adminPassword is also set both are required.
> >> adminPeer=3Dnull
> >>
> >> # When forwarding a request, the node will reduce the HTL to this value
> >> # if it is found to be in excess.
> >> maxHopsToLive=3D20
> >>
> >> # Should we use thread-management?  If this number is defined and
> >non-zero,=
> >>
> >> # this specifies how many inbound connections can be active at once.
> >> maximumThreads=3D50
> >>
> >> # The number of connections that a node can keep open at the same time
> >> maxNodeConnections=3D30
> >>
> >>
> >> ########################
> >> # Geek Settings
> >> ########################
> >>
> >> # The number of attempts to make at announcing this node per
> >> # initial peer. Zero means the node will not announce itself
> >> announcementAttempts=3D3
> >>
> >> # The amount of time to wait before initially announcing the node,
> >> # and to base the time the time between retries on. In milliseconds.
> >> announcementDelay=3D1800000
> >>
> >> # The value to mutliply the last delay time with for each retry.
> >> # That is, for try N, we weight
> >> # before starting.
> >> announcementDelayBase=3D2
> >>
> >> # announcementPeers: undocumented.
> >> announcementPeers=3D3
> >>
> >> # How long to wait for authentication before giving up (in
> >> authTimeout=3D120000
> >>
> >> # The interval at which to write out the node's data file
> >> # (the store_<port> file, *not* the cache_<port> file).
> >> checkPointInterval=3D1200
> >>
> >> # How long to listen on an inactive connection before closing
> >> # (if reply address is known)
> >> connectionTimeout=3D600000
> >>
> >> # The expected standard deviation in hopTimeExpected.
> >> hopTimeDeviation=3D7000
> >>
> >> # The expected time it takes a Freenet node to pass a message.
> >> # Used to calculate timeout values for requests.
> >> hopTimeExpected=3D4000
> >>
> >> # The number of keys to request from the returned close values
> >> # after an Announcement (this is per announcement made).
> >> initialRequests=3D10
> >>
> >> # localAnnounceTargets: undocumented.
> >>
> >> # The number of outstanding message replies the node will
> >> # wait for before it starts to abandon them.
> >> messageStoreSize=3D10000
> >>
> >> # What size should the blocks have when moving data?
> >> blockSize=3D4096
> >>
> >> # The maximum number of bytes of padding to allow between messages
> >> # and in Void messages.
> >> maximumPadding=3D65536
> >>
> >> # The time to wait for connections to be established and=20
> >> # authenticated before passing by a node while routing out.
> >> # Connections that are by passed are still finished and cached=20
> >> # for the time set by ConnectionTimeout (in milliseconds).
> >> routeConnectTimeout=3D10000
> >>
> >> # The number of unique nodes that can be contained in the routing
> >> rtMaxNodes=3D100
> >>
> >> # The number of references allowed in the routing table per node.  This
> >> # should not be set too high.  It is suggested to leave it at 100 for
> >> rtMaxRefs=3D50
> >>
> >> # The path to the file containing the node's reference to itself, its
> >> # routing table, and the datastore directory.  Defaults to store_<port>
> >> # in the storePath directory.
> >> #storeDataFile=3D
> >>
> >> # The type of store we have (this text will get clearer soon).
> >> storeType=3Dnative
> >>
> >> # The name of a symmetric cipher algorithm to encrypt the datastore
> >> # contents with.  Supported algorithms are "Twofish", "Rijndael",
> >> # and "null", "none", or "void" (for no encryption).
> >> storeCipherName=3DTwofish
> >>
> >> # The width in bits of the cipher key to use for the datastore.
> >> # The allowed values for this will depend on the cipher algorithm.
> >> # Twofish allows 64, 128, 192, or 256, while Rijndael allows
> >> # 128, 192, or 256.
> >> storeCipherWidth=3D128
> >>
> >>
> >> ########################
> >> # Diagnostics Settings
> >> ########################
> >> # The name of the log file (`NO' to log to standard out)
> >> logFile=3Dfreenet.log
> >>
> >> # The error reporting threshold, one of:
> >> #   Error:   Errors only
> >> #   Normal:  Report significant events
> >> #   Minor:   Report minor events
> >> #   Debug:   Report events only of relevance when debugging
> >> logLevel=3DNormal
> >>
> >> #A template string for log messages.  All non-alphabet characters are
> >> # reproduced verbatim.  Alphabet characters are substituted as follows:
> >> # d =3D date (timestamp), c =3D class name of the source object,
> >> # h =3D hashcode of the object, t =3D thread name, p =3D priority,
> >> # m =3D the actual log message
> >> logFormat=3Dd (c, t, p): m
> >>
> >> # The directory in which to cache diagnostics data.
> >> diagnosticsPath=3Dstats
> >>
> >> # The diagnostics module receives and aggregates statistics
> >> # performance.
> >> # This will eat some gratuitous memory and cpubut may let you provide
> >> # valuable data to the project.
> >> doDiagnostics=3Dyes
> >>
> >> logInboundContacts=3Dfalse
> >> logOutboundContacts=3Dfalse
> >> logInboundRequests=3Dfalse
> >> logOutboundRequests=3Dfalse
> >>
> >>
> >> ########################
> >> # Services & Servlets
> >> ########################
> >>
> >> # this line is deliberately commented out to let fred choose the
> >> ?=86fervices=3Dmainport,distribution
> >>
> >> ########################
> >> # Mainport settings
> >> ########################
> >>
> >> mainport.port=3D8888
> >>
> >> ########################
> >> # FProxy settings
> >> ########################
> >> mainport.params.servlet.1.params.insertHtl=3D15
> >> mainport.params.servlet.1.params.requestHtl=3D15
> >> mainport.params.servlet.1.params.filter=3Dtrue
> >>
> >> eg
> >> ,image/gif,image/png
> >> mainport.params.servlet.1.params.pollForDroppedConnection=3Dtrue
> >> mainport.params.servlet.1.params.splitFileRetryHtlIncrement=3D20
> >> mainport.params.servlet.1.params.splitFileRetries=3D1
> >> mainport.params.servlet.1.params.splitFileThreads=3D10
> >> mainport.params.servlet.1.params.showNewBuildWarning=3Dtrue
> >>
> >> ########################
> >> # Node information servlet settings
> >> ########################
> >>
> >> mainport.params.servlet.2.params.port=3D8890
> >> failureTableSize=3D20000
> >> failureTableTime=3D1800000
> >>
> >> # Unknown parameters - these are not yet known or handled by the
> >NodeConfig=
> >>
> >> # utility, but are assumed to be valid and understandable to the node
> >> # if you see this in the file, then please email the parameters
> >> # this comment header to [EMAIL PROTECTED], to prompt the
> >> # into updating this configuration utility - thanks
> >>
> >> routingTableImpl=3Dng
> >> storeBlockSize=3D4096
> >> storeMaxTempFraction=3D0.33333334
> >> useDSIndex=3Dtrue
> >> averageInputBandwidthLimit=3D768
> >> averageOutputBandwidthLimit=3D0
> >> maxOpenConnectionsNewbieFraction=3D0.2
> >> maxNodeFilesOpen=3D1024
> >> maxNegotiations=3D50
> >> maxConnectionsPerMinute=3D60
> >> maxConnectionsMinute=3D60000
> >> maxRequestsPerInterval=3D-1
> >> maxRequestsInterval=3D60000
> >> logMaxLinesCached=3D10000
> >> logMaxBytesCached=3D10485760
> >> logRotate=3Dfalse
> >> logRotateUseNativeGzip=3Dfalse
> >> logRotateInterval=3Dhour
> >> logOverwrite=3Dtrue
> >> maxRoutingSteps=3D200
> >> doEstimatorSmoothing=3Dtrue
> >> useFastEstimators=3Dtrue
> >> failureTableItems=3D100000
> >> newNodePollInterval=3D30000
> >> minCP=3D0.01
> >> failuresLookupARK=3D10
> >> minARKDelay=3D900000
> >> maxARKThreadsFraction=3D0.1
> >> probIncHopsSinceReset=3D0.95
> >> cacheProbPerHop=3D0.8
> >> minStoreFullPCache=3D0.9
> >> minRTFullPRef=3D0.3
> >> minRTNodesPRef=3D0.8
> >> maxLog2DataSize=3D20
> >> announcementHTL=3D15
> >> announcementPollInterval=3D900000
> >> announcementFirstDelay=3D0
> >> announcementThreads=3D3
> >> announcementUseRT=3Dtrue
> >> doLoadBalance=3Dtrue
> >> localIsOK=3Dfalse
> >> dontLimitClients=3Dfalse
> >> limitAll=3Dfalse
> >> aggressiveGC=3D0
> >> configUpdateInterval=3D5
> >> seednodesUpdateInterval=3D5
> >> defaultToSimpleUIMode=3Dtrue
> >> defaultToOCMHTMLPeerHandlerMode=3Dfalse
> >> ipDetectorInterval=3D10
> >> distribution.class=3Dfreenet.node.http.DistributionServlet
> >> distribution.port=3D8891
> >> distribution.params.unpacked=3D.
> >> distribution.allowedHosts=3D*
> >> threadFactory=3DY
> >> doRequestTriageByDelay=3Dtrue
> >> targetMaxThreads=3D-1
> >> doRequestTriageBySendTime=3Dtrue
> >> overloadLow=3D1.0
> >> tfTolerableQueueDelay=3D200
> >> overloadHigh=3D1.25
> >> tfAbsoluteMaxThreads=3D500
> >> threadConnectCutoff=3D1.5
> >> requestDelayCutoff=3D1000
> >> successfulDelayCutoff=3D2000
> >> requestSendTimeCutoff=3D500
> >> successfulSendTimeCutoff=3D1000
> >> doOutLimitCutoff=3Dfalse
> >> outLimitCutoff=3D0.8
> >> doOutLimitConnectCutoff=3Dtrue
> >> outLimitConnectCutoff=3D2.0
> >> lowLevelBWLimitFudgeFactor=3D0.75
> >> doCPULoad=3Dfalse
> >> doReserveOutputBandwidthForSuccess=3Dfalse
> >> lowLevelBWLimitMultiplier=3D1.4
> >> doLowLevelOutputLimiting=3Dtrue
> >> sendingQueueLength=3D256
> >> sendingQueueBytes=3D11936
> >> doLowLevelInputLimiting=3Dtrue
> >> logOutputBytes=3Dtrue
> >> logInputBytes=3Dtrue
> >> logInboundInsertRequestDist=3Dfalse
> >> watchme=3Dfalse
> >> watchmeRetries=3D3
> >> logSuccessfulInsertRequestDist=3Dfalse
> >> defaultResetProbability=3D0.05
> >> lsMaxTableSize=3D100
> >> lsAcceptRatioSamples=3D500
> >> lsHalfLifeHours=3D1.2
> >> FECInstanceCacheSize=3D1
> >> FECMaxConcurrentCodecs=3D1
> >> FEC.Encoders.0.class=3DOnionFECEncoder
> >> FEC.Decoders.0.class=3DOnionFECDecoder
> >> tempInStore=3Dfalse
> >> publicNode=3Dfalse
> >> httpInserts=3Dtrue
> >> fcpInserts=3Dtrue
> >> UITemplateSet=3Daqua
> >> filterPassThroughMimeTypes=3Dtext/plain,image/jpeg,image/gif,image/png
> >> mainport.allowedHosts=3D127.0.0.0/8
> >> mainport.params.servlet.1.uri=3D/
> >> mainport.params.servlet.1.method=3DGET
> >> mainport.params.servlet.1.class=3Dfreenet.client.http.FproxyServlet
> >> HTTP proxy (fproxy)
> >> mainport.params.servlet.1.params.filterParanoidStringCheck=3Dfalse
> >> mainport.params.servlet.1.params.maxForceKeys=3D100
> >> mainport.params.servlet.1.params.noCache=3Dfalse
> >> mainport.params.servlet.1.params.doSendRobots=3Dtrue
> >> mainport.params.servlet.1.params.dontWarnOperaUsers=3Dfalse
> >> mainport.params.servlet.2.uri=3D/servlet/nodeinfo/
> >> mainport.params.servlet.2.method=3DGET
> >> mainport.params.servlet.2.class=3Dfreenet.node.http.NodeInfoServlet
> >> Interface
> >> mainport.params.servlet.3.uri=3D/servlet/images/
> >> mainport.params.servlet.3.method=3DGET
> >> mainport.params.servlet.3.class=3Dfreenet.client.http.ImageServlet
> >> Images
> >> mainport.params.servlet.4.uri=3D/servlet/Insert
> >> mainport.params.servlet.4.method=3DBOTH
> >> mainport.params.servlet.4.class=3Dfreenet.client.http.InsertServlet
> >> Proxy Status
> >> mainport.params.servlet.4.params.insertHtl=3D20
> >> mainport.params.servlet.4.params.sfInsertThreads=3D30
> >> mainport.params.servlet.4.params.sfInsertRetries=3D3
> >> mainport.params.servlet.4.params.sfRefreshIntervalSecs=3D15
> >> mainport.params.servlet.5.uri=3D/servlet/nodestatus/
> >> mainport.params.servlet.5.method=3DBOTH
> >> mainport.params.servlet.5.class=3Dfreenet.client.http.NodeStatusServlet
> >> Status
> >> mainport.params.servlet.7.uri=3D/servlet/SFRequest/
> >> mainport.params.servlet.7.method=3DBOTH
> >>
> >> et
> >> Download Servlet (alpha!)
> >> mainport.params.servlet.7.params.requestHtl=3D10
> >> mainport.params.servlet.7.params.sfBlockRequestHtl=3D0
> >> mainport.params.servlet.7.params.sfRequestRetries=3D4
> >> mainport.params.servlet.7.params.sfRetryHtlIncrement=3D5
> >> mainport.params.servlet.7.params.sfRequestThreads=3D30
> >> mainport.params.servlet.7.params.sfDoParanoidChecks=3Dtrue
> >> mainport.params.servlet.7.params.sfRefreshIntervalSecs=3D15
> >> mainport.params.servlet.7.params.sfSkipDS=3Dfalse
> >> mainport.params.servlet.7.params.sfUseUI=3Dtrue
> >> mainport.params.servlet.7.params.sfRunFilter=3Dtrue
> >> mainport.params.servlet.7.params.sfRandomSegs=3Dtrue
> >> mainport.params.servlet.7.params.sfFilterParanoidStringCheck=3Dfalse
> >> mainport.params.servlet.7.params.sfHealHtl=3D20
> >> mainport.params.servlet.7.params.sfHealPercentage=3D100
> >> mainport.params.servlet.7.params.sfForceSave=3Dtrue
> >>
> >> lo
> >> ads
> >> mainport.params.servlet.7.params.sfDefaultWriteToDisk=3Dtrue
> >> mainport.params.servlet.7.params.sfDisableWriteToDisk=3Dfalse
> >> mainport.params.defaultServlet.uri=3D/default
> >> mainport.params.servlet.6.uri=3D/
> >> mainport.params.servlet.8.uri=3D/servlet/stream/
> >> mainport.params.servlet.6.method=3DPOST
> >> mainport.params.servlet.8.method=3DGET
> >> mainport.params.defaultServlet.method=3DGET
> >>
> >> mainport.params.servlet.6.class=3Dfreenet.client.http.InsertServlet
> >> mainport.params.servlet.8.class=3Dfreenet.client.http.StreamServlet
> >> Streaming Servlet
> >> Proxy
> >> Interface Redirect
> >> mainport.params.servlet.6.params.insertHtl=3D20
> >> mainport.params.defaultServlet.params.targetURL=3D/servlet/nodeinfo/
> >> mainport.params.servlet.6.params.sfInsertThreads=3D20
> >> mainport.params.servlet.6.params.sfInsertRetries=3D3
> >> mainport.params.servlet.6.params.sfRefreshIntervalSecs=3D15
> >> mainport.params.servlet.9.uri=3D/servlet/streamInsert/
> >> mainport.params.servlet.9.method=3DGET
> >>
> >> Stream Insert Servlet
> >> mainport.params.servlet.11.uri=3D/servlet/coloredpixel
> >> mainport.params.servlet.10.uri=3D/servlet/bookmarkmanager
> >> mainport.params.servlet.10.method=3DGET
> >> mainport.params.servlet.11.method=3DGET
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Manager Servlet
> >> Pixel Servlet
> >>
> >> %mainport.params.servlet.2.bookmarks.count=3D6
> >> [snipped bookmarks]
> >>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> Support mailing list
> >>
> >> Unsubscribe at
> >
> >> Or mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>
> >
> >_______________________________________________
> >Support mailing list
> >
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