On 1 Dec 2004, at 10:05, Newsbyte wrote:

> Now, may I ask you if you feel I have helped/supported you with my posts? I
ask that, because I just got emailed by Ian saying he kicked me out of the
project (well, at least he disabled my freenetproject account)

I wasn't aware that you were ever "in" the project to be kicked out of it (whatever being "in" the project means). Very few people have @freenetproject.org email addresses, you got one because you asked for it and because you said it would help you raise donations for the project.

So far as I can see you no longer even use it, so I don't see why you are whining about losing something that many people who have made a much more significant contribution to the project than you have never even asked for.

because of my
first post to you. It seems he did not think it belonged in support, but ah,
we all know it has more to do with him having difficulties to cope with the
critisism I give on the current performance and developmentprocess of
Freenet. Which is often sarcastic, true, but he should have the maturity to
keep his personal feelings of being annoyed/agitated out of the project.

I have no problem whatsoever with criticism, but I do have a problem when it is expressed in a sarcastic and personal manner. You have a right to say whatever you want, but I have a right not to endorse your opinions by giving you a project email address that you don't need and don't use.

He asks me why that I should explain "the *support* mailing list is
consistent with you having an email address that implies you are a part of
this project" but at the same time says I shouldn't bother because all what
I send goes directly into the bin anyhow - again not very mature.

There is nothing mature or immature about my decision to ignore you, it is my personal preference based on the observation that most of what you say isn't very useful, and that it is generally expressed with extremely poor spelling and without bothering to follow even the most rudimentary email conventions.

 For a
libertarian as he claims to be, this is rather spicious reasoning.

When did I claim to be a libertarian, how is my not endorsing your emails in any way anti-libertarian, and what does "spicious" mean?

1)First of all, being part of the project isn't just a matter of making a
post on the correct list, or not. (or, the real reason: being sarcastic and
critical of Freenet or not).

No, being a part of this or any project is about constructive criticism, but not sarcastic and personal criticism directed at those who have contributed far more to the project than you have.

2)Being part of a project is, obviously, also derived from whether you do
something for the project or not. So what did I do for the project? I have
sought and found sponsors,

Yes you have, and I am grateful to those sponsors, and to you for finding them, but note that the total amount raised was less than numerous individual donations the project has received. This was also quite some time ago.

3)The main premise, that the post in question was not helpful or supportive,
is debatable. Clearly Ian doesn't think so, but that doesn't mean the newbie
that I responded to thinks the same. It's rather subjective, but it wasn't
Ian asking support, so he should not presume to know whether it was or not.
(but again, we all know the real reason).

The portion of your comment which the poster found to be helpful was not the portion that I objected to. Please explain what this means and its relevance on a mailing list intended to help new users learn how to use Freenet. Also, please explain what you are implying by suggesting that he ask Matthew and I.

Frustrating? Can't be! It has much improved, *much* I say. If you don't
believe me, ask toad and Ian!Even the simulations say so! We have NIO and
NGR now, so things definately have improved for noobs like you, whatever you
may think about it yourself

If I were to react so childish, I would have to say: well, if I'm not part
of the project anymore, why should I keep freenethelp up, why shouldn't I
revert all my changes to the website back, why should I do anything else?
But such things are childish tit-for-tat reasonings, and I am not going for
such a thing.

Yes, you are never childish...

Frustrating? Can't be! It has much improved, *much* I say. If you don't
believe me, ask toad and Ian!Even the simulations say so! We have NIO and
NGR now, so things definately have improved for noobs like you, whatever you
may think about it yourself

...oops, finger must have slipped on the paste button there, careless me :-)

If you don't like what I say, then say so, or ignore me; things a
libertarian would do.

I do both.

Fighting for free speech but at the same time kicking
someone out because you can't cope with what he says seems more then a bit
contradictory to me, frankly.

Ok, now I am going to say this real slow since you are obviously having trouble understanding me:

You were not kicked out of the project, you lost an email account that you weren't using and that you were given for a purpose that is no-longer relevant. You were given it because you felt you needed the endorsement of the project to help you raise funds for the project. It is an endorsement that many people who have contributed far more than you do not have and have not asked for, and thus I feel you no-longer need or deserve it.

Anyway... I doubt Ian will change his mind; he's much to stuborn for it, and
he's not really interested in being reasonable neither, as is aparent in his
comment that he asks to explain myself, but won't read my explanation.

Actually I couldn't resist, although I probably should have, feeding the trolls and all that.

Also, perhaps if you learned to use a spell-checker, and actually tried quoting emails properly for a change, fewer people might want to ignore you.


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