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Newsbyte schrieb:

| I've made the comparison between I2P and freenet, and they both have value,
| as I said in the past. I agree that the level of whining has increased, but
| that's mostly due to the fact that being diplomatic  and giving alternatives
| doesn't actually do one iota neither, while after 4 years (yes, I've been
| follow the lists for so long) Freenet today isn't much better (in the
| endusers sense) then it was in the 0.4 days.

Now that's not true, I'm using freenet since 0.3 and there have been great
improvements to usability, speed and resource usage.

| The truth is, I *do* annoy people, and I'm well aware of that, but mostly
| it's because they know it *is* true and I do have a point. Hah, freenet
| working fast? Well, indeed, if you have  T1 line or something like the other
| poster said.  But normal users often have a different impression, and even
| when noobs come tell it on the maillist themselves, it is still being
| refuted by some coders. I've been inserting my flog not long ago, it took me
| one hour...do you think I invent this?

I don't have a T1. My node has a hard bandwith limit of 30 kByte/sec down and
8 kByte/sec up, this limit is enforced by the switch the machine is connected
to, so freenet can't break them. That's far away from a T1.

~From your posts I guess you haven't been running a stable node for some time,
then installed a new one and tried to insert your flog the same day. Then it
doesn't suprise me that it took quite some time. Let your node run a week with
frost (to train it) and you will see a great improvement, shure a week is a long
time, but if you take in mind that it has to learn a whole network and find some
good routes/nodes it's not that much. Since build 5099 I see specialization on
my node and insert speed is very good. I currently run 4 freesites, the smallest
about 100kB, the biggest nearly 30MB. The smallest is usually inserted within
10 Minutes. The biggest takes between 4 to 6 hours, this isn't too long for the
amount of bandwith my node is allowed to use.

| And as for never bringing any alternatives...yeah, right. I remember clearly
| I made a whole list of suggestions and alternatives for improving the
| end-user experience. Seems that memory is very selective. Why, only a few
| days ago, I pointed to an error in the uninstaller. But hey, feel free to
| ignore all that, and say I whine (not without reason in any case) about the
| fact that freenet still sucks for the most part, mostly because of bad
| directions that have been taken. Didn't I suggest to go for UDP and small
| chunks, and leave the NGR (that, after all this time, still hasn't actually
| proved it worked) if the simulations don't clearly show a benefit? Yes, I
| did. But that, I suppose, is rapidly forgotten, even it's exactly the
| alternatives that you claim I never gave. It's easier to say I 'just whine',
| so you can regard me as a troll, instead of contemplating if I don't have
| valid points.

Pointing out errors and making valid suggestions is a different thing. As for
going for UDP, this actually would have made it worse. I know you suggested
it to push holes through NAT routers, but this doesn't work on most routers
here. And this for a very simple reason, almost all (yes even the low end
cheap trash ones) routers you can get here have full SPI. So it isn't possible
to push a hole into their NAT, what's even worse is that the cheaper ones
have SPI, but only allow to open or redirect TCP ports, not UPD ports. So going
to UDP would have ruled out users with one of these routers, even if they knew
how to open/forward the listen port. The only thing that might help with this
is to support UPNP. But it wouldn't change much, because ppl always get told
that UPNP is a security risk, and they tend to believe it and disable it.

As for small chunks, IIRC it was suggested by Toad not by you. You only agreed
that it might be usefull, just like I did.

And I also did run a node pre NGR, and I saw a great improvement when switching
it over to NGR last year.

| In neither case it validates deleting my account, so that I now would have
| to change all references and links to it into new ones, if people want to
| contact me via the site or the wiki I run. Oh, yes, but that's all not a
| 'valid contribution', that's right.

Oh, how bad. You have to edit some lines of HTML or change some entrys in a DB,
this will be the end of the world. :-P
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