Hi. What version (build number) are you running, and under what operating

If you go to Advanced mode on the Web Interface, then click on Open
Connections, how many connections are open (and how many are inbound) ?

Are you behind a NAT, firewall or DSL router?

On Thu, Jan 19, 2006 at 01:53:36PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Dear Freenet:
> When running your application, I get the following error
>            Freenet  
>            Route Not Found  
>      Network Error  
>      Couldn't retrieve key: [EMAIL PROTECTED]/YoYo// 
>       Hops To Live: 10
>       Error: Route Not Found 
>       Attempts were made to contact 1 nodes. 
>         a.. 0 were totally unreachable. 
>         b.. 1 restarted. 
>         c.. 0 cleanly rejected. 
>         d.. 0 backed off.
>       Route Not Found messages mean that your node, or the rest of the 
> network, didn't find the data or enough nodes to send the request to. You 
> should retry, with the same Hops-To-Live; if it persists, there may be a 
> problem (check that your internet connection is working). Try reseeding your 
> node, and if that doesn't work, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>       Change Hops To Live to  and  
> Please tell me what I need in order to correct this.
> Thank you
> cneal
Matthew J Toseland - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Freenet Project Official Codemonkey - http://freenetproject.org/
ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.

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