Okay, having investigated this, I'm fairly confident of the current theory:
- If a copy of Firefox is already running with the default profile, and we 
launch a copy with our profile (-no-remote -P <profile name>), everything 
works fine (as long as our copy exits before the default one does).
- The default Firefox obviously doesn't have the -no-remote command line 
option. We do.
- If the default profile is NOT running when we load our copy of firefox with 
our custom profile, when the link to firefox is clicked on, it coalesces with 
our copy and opens a new window using our profile and not the default 
profile. Therefore, it appears that the user's firefox has been damaged and 
we've deleted all their bookmarks etc etc.

You can replicate this easily enough: create a custom theme (e.g. by 
installing freenet), exit all copies of firefox, launch one 
with "firefox -no-remote -P <profile name>", then launch a second copy with 
just "firefox". The second will assume it is supposed to be an extra window 
for the first, and will use the custom profile, not the default profile. If 
however you exit the custom profile first, the second instance will use the 
default profile.

As far as I can see, we have three options:
1. Don't ship a custom firefox theme. Ask users to tweak their firefox theme 
for better freenet performance, knowing full well that it is a security risk 
and a waste of bandwidth when accessing the regular web. Anyway, nobody will 
even if we DO ask them to: people are lazy, and it involves somewhat arcane 
config setting.
2. Ship a copy of Portable Firefox (~ 6MB), or some other self contained 
browser. Find some way to auto-update it.
3. Give up and hope people will realise that opening 10 freesites in separate 
tabs and then trying to get to the stats page isn't a good idea. No, they 
won't realise this, they'll assume Freenet is broken - our own regular users 
do this on the IRC channel.

Anyone got any better ideas?

On Tuesday 25 March 2008 19:41, Matthew Toseland wrote:
> Sorry, I'm the idiot who decided to create a firefox profile. I was simply 
> trying to avoid some major performance issues we have because the default 
> settings are not good for Freenet, and asking users to change them globally 
> also sucks.
> Freenet has not destroyed any data, it has simply created a second profile. 
> launches it with -no-remote so it shouldn't be remembered by firefox, but 
> somehow in your instance it was ... what you have to do is open a command 
> line (start, run, type cmd), cd to the directory firefox is installed in, 
> e.g.:
> cd c:\program files\mozilla firefox
> Then:
> firefox -ProfileManager
> You will then be presented with a list of installed profiles, including one 
> called default and one called freenet. Click on the one called default and 
> then click on the button to start firefox using that profile.
> Sorry.
> Matthew Toseland,
> Chief Developer for Freenet on behalf of Freenet Project Incorporated.
> PS support@freenetproject.org is usually the right place for these sorts of 
> issues.
> To CC's: WTF are we going to do about this?
> On Tuesday 25 March 2008 19:13, Brian Walsh wrote:
> > I recently decided to try Freenet. Just the act of installing it has
> > destroyed my internet connectivity. Freenet took over Firefox, wiping out
> > all of my bookmarks and extensions. I uninstalled Freenet and Firefox will
> > not start. I have reinstalled Firefox and it still will not start. I
> > desperatly need Firefox to work on my system. You must have seen this
> > before, do you know how to fix it? Or has Freenet so thoroughly hosed me
> > that I need to reinstall my system. Please help if you can, I installed
> > Freenet in good faith and didn't expect it to so badly harm me.

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