>>>> You shouldn't run into problems doing a direct copy, assuming you
>>>> change the four ports mentioned in freenet.ini. You will simply have
>>>> multiple instances of freenet running, each accessible via it's own
>>>> http port, each accessing it's own udp data pipes/local sockets. I
>>>> think.
>>> thank you for getting back to me.
>>> If I understand you correctly, if I copy the "freenet"
>>> directory/subdirectories from machine A to another machine in a
>>> different geographical location, say machine B, I don't need to do
>>> anything but start the service (run.sh start). All of my
>>> configuration files, trusted friends, etc. will be duplicated from
>>> machine A to machine B. Then, a new KEY will be issued by machine B
>>> that I can use to make friends with machine A. Correct?
>> Oh ... hrmm ... right, each node has it's "identity key" ... stored in
>> the opennet-OPENNETPORT and node-DARKNETPORT files. I'm not sure what
>> would happen if two nodes with the same "identities" run at the same
>> time. (They will, of course, but I'm not sure what, if any, collisions
>> will happen. I don't think I want to find out either :b.) Perhaps (my
>> wild guess) if you delete these two files they will be regenerated?
> There is yet another problem.  The cache (both of them) will contain 
> information from the originating Machine A.
> It seems, there is no easy way to clone.
I'm currently working on a bartPE install of Freenet. I have a working
system now (I'll post that in the thread I started about this), however
I hit the same type of problems.

What I did in the end was to install freenet on a clean PC, run the
wizard once and then copy all the installation files - but I emptied the
datastore directory. When Freenet is started it recognises that the
datastore is empty and corrects itself. It seems I had to keep the
caches (node.db4o(.crypt), temp-PORTNUMBER and
persistent-temp-PORTNUMBER) otherwise freenet bombs out with a complaint
that these didn't exist although I suspect there's a configuration I
could set in freenet.ini that stops that error (anyone know what it is?)

Also, I hit the dreaded 'service didn't respond to signal' problem. I
solved that by running Freenet using the wrapper with the -c switch to
run as a console application rather than as a service.

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