Matthew Walter :
My node has stopped working; I can't download anymore. I'm getting the message that my Freenet node is too old (it is 1342) and that I should upgrade to 1344 ASAP. It is set for auto-update and I tried manually updating but it is still build 1342. Is this the reason it is not working and why has it not updated automatically or manually?


No idea about the reasons why but such has happened quite a lot for me.

Last resort is to move your datastore folder and freenet.ini elsewhere, uninstall and reinstall from a newly downloaded copy from and put the stuff back. Then start freenet.
Keep fingers crossed until there are strangers connected again.

Can recommend to switch auto install off while keeping 'auto download new version' on, and postpone using the 'update now' button until a new build is mandatory.
Keep an eye on this list to know when that is.
Usually you skip several updates that way including the odds to stay disconnected.

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