On Monday 21 Feb 2011 07:37:00 Volodya wrote:
> >>> There are 2.5 current independent forum systems in the wild. FMS,
> >>> Freetalk and Frost. They work well. (FMS the best. /me ducks/ :).
> >>
> >> I looked at it but I find it a little tricky: it seems it not only
> >> downloads the headers of the postings but the content as well. That way it
> >> also downloads all kinds of kiddy porn which, of course, I don't want to
> >> have.
> >
> > Not true. At worst it downloads messages containing links to all kinds of
> > evil content - if said messages are posted by people who are visible on your
> > WoT. (I.e. have positive message trust).
> >
> > HOWEVER, Frost DOES at least potentially download actual evil content: an
> > anonymous spammer can force all Frost users subscribed to a board to 
> > download
> > any CHKs he wants. Frost is seriously broken.
> Not strictly true. If we are talking about US/Britain then text story can be
> classified as 'child pornography' (or 'kiddy porn' as it was called above). 

In theory yes but a few stories isn't "all kinds of kiddy porn".

/me wonders whether borrowing a certain book starting with the letter L from 
your public library will get you added to some sort of paedophile watchlist ...

> As
> such any software that is used to communicate can be forced to download child
> pornography without your knowledge. 

There may have been cases (which IMHO are very doubtful constitutionally, but 
IANAL) in some countries where text has been held to be child porn however IMHO 
pictures and videos of actual abuse are what people are talking about when they 
say things like the above. They're certainly what I'd be concerned with. I 
don't think that sharing stories featuring child sex abuse is a particularly 
healthy activity and I seriously doubt that it helps paedophiles to get by 
without the real thing, but materials derived from actual abuse are what really 

> In fact the very e-mail client you are using
> can be abused in such a way. Imagine the scenario where somebody signs up to
> this e-mail list and posts pornographic story involving somebody who can be
> argued to be under the age of 18, your client will download this (it has no 
> way
> to contact a lawyer before downloading each message).

It's the same as any other offensive spam. Whenever a spam gets through lots of 
people unsubscribe, but it's rare and moderating every post (or even every new 
poster) is not realistic.
> Frost currently uses an old system (that is going to change) which does allow 
> an
> attacker to post small bits of any files as a message. Theoretically you will 
> be
> downloading, although frost won't recognise such file as a valid message in 
> the
> end. That was one of the ways that attacks were done on Frost. The intention
> currently seems to be to allow frost to communicate via Freetalk mechanisms.

With WoT/Freetalk/FMS, an attacker can still post CHKs. The difference is that 
on Frost he can flood the whole board with bogus messages and every Frost user 
subscribed to that board will download the messages (at least until it reaches 
the red-board anti-DoS message count limit). Whereas on a WoT-based app, you 
simply stop listening to that identity.

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