On Mon, 11 Nov 2013 21:42:07 +0900, Signal 11 wrote:
> Hi,
> I have trouble in installing KeepAlive plugin.
> It causes "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError : unable to create new native
> Thread" when installing, and on every start-up after the installation.

Just to clarify, your node works fine, until you try using the
KeepAlive plugin?

> I tried setting wrapper.java.additional.4=-Xss128k, decreasing
> node.load.threadLimit, increasing wrapper.java.maxmemory, ulimit -u
> 4096, but all of them did not work.

What did you set maxmemory to?

> I noticed that CPU usage got very high (> 100% on C2D E8400)
> temporarily for the several seconds after start up,

I think high CPU within the first minute or so is normal.

> and lots of
> threads (> 300) were created, even if I removed KeepAlive plugin.
> After booting up successfully, threads count decreases under 100.
> I ran jstack during the high CPU usage period, which showed 397
> threads. I suspect this massive thread creation is the cause of
> KeepAlive installation problem. So my question is,
> Is it normal that so many threads are created beyond
> node.load.threadLimit on start-up? and if so, how can I increase the
> maximum number of threads without OOM?

Somewhere in freenet's Stats pages is a table of the running threads.
Perhaps you can look for clues there, or post that table here?
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