Anonymous <MailMe at ...> writes:

> I believe with *nix and BSD, it is possible to stop Freeent with the shell
script. Is there any way to shut down
> or stop Freenet with the Windows client with the command line? This would be
useful for the task scheduler
> and such!
> Thanks

Right now this isn't directly possible via freenet.exe (the systray app) as far
as I can tell. It does take command line args, but not a shutdown one. It could
probably be added though, I _think_ it just has to invoke ExitFserve().

All the *nix scripts do is kill the parent freenet pid. You *may* be able to
emulate that using a process killer like psKill
( to kill freenet.exe,
depending on how windows handles CreateProcess parent/child relationships. If
that doesn't work you could go scorched earth and just kill all the javaw
instances. Possibly psKill accepts wildcard names, if not you could still do it
with a bit of scripting :)


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