m0rtal frei <m0rtal.frei at ...> writes:

> No way :(
> First  time,  when  I  ran freenet.exe, it asked me to add a "path" to
> flaunch.ini, that leads to javaw.exe. I did it, and now error pops:
> Java virtual machine launcher
> Could not find the main class. Program will exit.
> I have the latest (I suppose) Java VM, 1.5.0_04, if that helps...

This is probably because the winstaller writes some registry keys or
something :/  By "run freenet from the command line" I meant open a
command prompt, change to where you 'installed' freenet and do :

java -Xmx150M -cp freenet.jar;freenet-ext.jar;%CLASSPATH% freenet.node.Main

having first generated a freenet.ini with NodeConfig. Oh, and if you're
missing any files download them to the install dir from
http://freenetproject.org/snapshots. If you're missing freenet.jar itself
get freenet-latest.jar and rename it.

This really isn't a solution I know because it's a pain and the whole
point of the winstaller is to make the process user-friendly, but if
it works it helps narrow down where the problem is.


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