Following the post named "Hypothetical question", I'd like to expose you
a practical case : the French community. Stop me when I'm wrong.

We all know each others only by Freenet and it is said that it isn't
enough to form a darknet together, correct ? So we'll have to stay on
the opennet which is less secure.

If, by a kind of miracle, I meet someone IRL that I trust and is
interrested in Freenet. We make a darknet together and... we're
completely alone ! We won't even see the opennet, so we'll have no
chance to make new connections except IRL.

If the French Community decides to make a Darknet, we'll maybe be able
to make connections to non-french users we know (but only in Freenet,
which is a very BAD trust relationship) and to join the big darknet. But
newcommers, how will they find us ? We won't be able to see their posts
or sites.

Suppose Freenet 0.7 becomes illegal in France (what it already is,
because of the AES 256 encryption). The opennet won't be secure for us,
but we won't be able to join the darknet. What could we do ? Keep on
using 0.5 ?

As I understand the theory, Freenet 0.7 will be great for pre-existing
resistant-like networks, which already know each others and don't need
to speak to other people. It will also be great for Freenet devs, who
already know the large community of alpha-testers.
But it is fully useless if you want to create from zero such a network
with other good-will people, what is exactly what we'll have to do in
the west during the next years.

I hope that I misunderstood something and that 0.7 will be usable by
other people than the devs and very organised networks. Please, reassure
me. Or explain me that I should stop waiting for 0.7 and accept the idea
that the only working Freenet will no more evolve.

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