I have tried upgrading Java 4.2 to 5 but that did not help. Now I have 
installed Java 4.1 but same error "Could not find the Main Class" keeps 
popping up when Freenet.exe createconfig command is executed.

>From: Bob <bob_j_hayes at yahoo.co.uk>
>Reply-To: support at freenetproject.org
>To: support at freenetproject.org
>Subject: [freenet-support] Re: "Could not find the Main class" error
>Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 12:07:53 +0000 (UTC)
>Jim Q. <jimq1234 at ...> writes:
> > Hi,
> > I had problem installing Freenet because it will fail to download 
> > during installation. Matthew helped me with that so I copied some of the
> > software it was having difficulty with in the installation directory but 
> > at the end of the installation I get the following error: "Java Virtual
> > Machine Launcher: Could Not Find the Main Class. Program will exit." BUt 
> > program continues its installation and is installed but whenever I try 
> > start the program I get the above mentioend JVM Launcher error. I 
> > my JVM to the latest thinking that it was perhaps my JVM error.
> > Thanks,
> > Jim
>Hmm, odd. The most likely cause is a corrupt freenet.jar, try comparing the
>sizes / re-downloading it. Or you are trying to use 0.7's alpha jar which 
>has a different main class, but this would be hard to do by accident since 
>aren't even hosted on freenetproject.org :)
>Failing that, what does the end of freenet.log say when this happens?
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