Jim Q. <jimq1234 at ...> writes:

> I have tried upgrading Java 4.2 to 5 but that did not help. Now I have 
> installed Java 4.1

Well ... the version of Java generally speaking shouldn't be a problem as long
as it's recent (1.4.1 isn't generally recommended.) There was a recent issue
with the bundled webinstaller using an old java, but many people successfully
run freenet with Java 5.0.

Also there is a file "Flaunch.ini" written by the installer on setup into the
main directory, that tells freenet where java is. If you change your version of
Java after it's installed you may need to edit this file to point at the new one
(or reinstall freenet in which case the installer should do it for you.) It
looks something like this : 

 [Freenet Launcher]
 JavaExec=C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.5.0_04\bin\java.exe
 Javaw=C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.5.0_04\bin\javaw.exe

If it's currently wrong search for "java.exe" and "javaw.exe" and update the
JavaExec / Javaw lines as appropriate.

> but same error "Could not find the Main Class" keeps 
> popping up when Freenet.exe createconfig command is executed.

Basically this error implies that Java *is working* but it can't find the class
to run in freenet.jar for some reason. So either that class isn't in the jar
(which is why I suggested a corrupt jar), or it is but it can't even find
freenet.jar .

Did you download the jars manually? If so, where - are you sure you put them in
the right place?

Some stuff you can try :

1. Open a command prompt (cmd.exe on NT/w2k/XP, command.com on 9x)
2. Type "java -version", you should get some java info. If so Java is working.
3. Search for freenet.jar and note where it is
4. Check that freenet-ext.jar is in the same directory
5. Change to the directory where freenet.jar is in the command prompt. (A quick
way to do this on NT/w2k/XP : select the whole path in explorer's address bar,
ctrl-c to copy it, type [cd "] without the brackets, right click on the command
prompt to paste it, type another " and return.)
6. Enter "java -Xmx128M -cp freenet.jar freenet.node.Main" without the quotes.
Hopefully this should start freenet after a while, although because you're not
doing it the official windows way you won't get the systray bunny etcetera. You
should be able to tell if it's working if you don't get any error messages and
your freenet.log file starts growing, and eventually by being able to open .

Hope that helps,

> >From: Bob <bob_j_hayes at ...>
> >Reply-To: support at ...
> >To: support at ...
> >Subject: [freenet-support] Re: "Could not find the Main class" error
> >Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 12:07:53 +0000 (UTC)
> >
> >Jim Q. <jimq1234 <at> ...> writes:
> >
> > > Hi,
> > > I had problem installing Freenet because it will fail to download 
> >software
> > > during installation. Matthew helped me with that so I copied some of the
> > > software it was having difficulty with in the installation directory but 
> >now
> > > at the end of the installation I get the following error: "Java Virtual
> > > Machine Launcher: Could Not Find the Main Class. Program will exit." BUt 
> >the
> > > program continues its installation and is installed but whenever I try 
> >to
> > > start the program I get the above mentioend JVM Launcher error. I 
> >upgraded
> > > my JVM to the latest thinking that it was perhaps my JVM error.
> > > Thanks,
> > > Jim

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