0.7 will include a queued download manager, and will react to most
config file changes immediately.

On Wed, Dec 21, 2005 at 10:38:26PM -0500, Anonymous wrote:
> At 03:52 a.m. 17/12/2005, I wrote:
> >My earlier question is a good start but I think in Freenet 0.7 it would be 
> >good if a simple scheduler
> >is implemented. This should allow different configs to be used at different 
> >time. This would mean that 
> >we can specificy different bandwidth limits at different times. Since 
> >FreeNet is supposed to run all
> >the time, this will be useful for people with slow connections, shared 
> >connections and different data
> >charges for different times. I hope you consider this suggestion for FreeNet 
> >0.7
> Good news again. I found a way to do what I want. I thought Freenet does not 
> respond to changes in the config file unless you restart. It turns out it 
> does, at least for speed. So you can use a batch file to do what I want if 
> you create 2 different config file. For example to slow down:
> if exist freenet.ini.normal goto sloweddown
> ren freenet.ini freenet.ini.normal
> ren freenet.ini.slowspeed freenet.ini
> goto sloweddown
> :sloweddown
> Then you can create another batch file to return to normal speed.. Then using 
> Windows task scheduler you can schedule the batch files to run when you want. 
> This works fine provided Freenet responds to changes in the config file 
> (which 0.5 does). If not, I guess a restart commandline option would be 
> sufficient. However the disadvantage with this method is that it requires you 
> to maintain two config files so you need to make sure any changes in one are 
> made in the other.
> I guess it is not so important for a Freenet scheduler then even if useful. 
> For me, the bigger issue now is FUQID. I change the number of threads because 
> otherwise it is using too many when I slow down. But the problem is, there is 
> no way to schedule. I don't know if it responds to changes in the config file 
> but the config file stores info on the current ul and dl so you cannot use it 
> the way I do above. I also don't know if it responds to changes in config 
> file while active and if not, I guess you have restart which is even worse 
> since you need to stop. Stopping FUQID is quite difficult since you need to 
> tell it to deactivate but there is no command line option I think and 
> taskkill doesn't do anything. Only way is a force which of course is 
> ungraceful. I guess this is OT but unfortunately, the biggest problem now is 
> FUQID for me. If FUQID have command line options to change threads and 
> similar it would be very good. Currently only way I can think of is using 
> macros which is very ugly.
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Matthew J Toseland - toad at amphibian.dyndns.org
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ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.
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