On Sat, Jun 10, 2006 at 01:32:09AM -0500, Blue Raven wrote:
> I am having trouble getting Freenet 0.7 to run on my system.  I am running
> SuSE 10.1 on a machine with an AMD Athlon 64 processor.  I attempted to
> install the node manually since I couldn't seem to get the web-installer or
> self extracting JAR to work.
> I followed the following instructions:
> wget 
> http://downloads.freenetproject.org/alpha/freenet-ext.jar<http://downloads.freenetproject.org/alpha/freenet-ext.jar%EF%BF%BD>
> wget 
> http://downloads.freenetproject.org/alpha/freenet-cvs-snapshot.jar.url<http://downloads.freenetproject.org/alpha/freenet-cvs-snapshot.jar.url%EF%BF%BD>
> wget -i freenet-cvs-snapshot.jar.url

This downloaded a file which probably isn't called
freenet-cvs-snapshot.jar, it's probably called freenet-cvs-8089.jar or
something. Move it to freenet-cvs-snapshot.jar.

> java -Xmx100M <http://wiki.freenetproject.org/Xmx100M/edit> -cp
> freenet-ext.jar:freenet-cvs-snapshot.jar freenet.node.Node freenet.ini
> Whenever I run the last command I get the following error:
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: freenet/node/Node
> Once I receive that error I am returned to the command prompt and the node
> does not start.  Any insight would be appreciated.
Matthew J Toseland - toad at amphibian.dyndns.org
Freenet Project Official Codemonkey - http://freenetproject.org/
ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.
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