On Wednesday 19 November 2008 09:29, Luke771 wrote:
> On Tue, 18 Nov 2008 23:32:18 -0500
> Dennis Nezic <dennisn at dennisn.dyndns.org> wrote:
> > On Tue, 18 Nov 2008 23:16:21 -0500 (GMT-05:00), vinyl1
> > <vinyl1 at earthlink.net> wrote:
> > 
> > > Node won't start.  I did a full manual update with update.cmd, same
> > > result.   Java stack points to: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
> > > org/apache/tools/bzip2/CBZip2InputStream.   Here is full output from
> > > wrapper log:
> > > 
> > > WARNING - The Wrapper jar file currently in use is version "3.3.1"
> > > while the version of the Wrapper which launched this JVM is "3.2.3".
> > 
> > That looks strange.
> > 
> > > freenet.jar built with freenet-ext.jar Build #25 r23741
> > > ....
> > > Initializing Node using Freenet Build #1180 r23746 and freenet-ext
> > > Build #22 r22506 with Sun
> W4M(tm) [Works Fore Me]
> Freenet 0.7 Build 1180 r23747
> Freenet-ext Build #25 r23741
> Sun Java 6 from repos
> Ubuntu 8.10 x86
> > 
> > And that is simply wrong. freenet-ext (whatever that is) should be at
> > #25 now.
> That's most likely the problem.
> To force the update script to download the latest jar, run update.cmd 
> HowTo:
> - Open a Cmd shell (the 'DOS window') Start=>Run=>(type) cmd => hit enter
> - In the cmd shell, type 'cd C:\Program Files\Freenet' (no quotes) and hit 
> - Now type 'update.cmd testing' (no quotes) - Hit enter
> This will update to the latest testing version.
> After completing the update, run update.cmd again, but this time do it the 
regular way (no testing) and the node will be reverted back to latest stable 
> You may want to run the testing version to help find bugs before they make 
it into the stable release, but if you don't feel like bug-hunting, revert to 
> (in case of problem, an unoffical you-shouldnt-do-that way to get the new 
freenet-ext is to download it off the freenet website and replace the old one 
manually (not recommended. In fact, I shouldnt even suggest it)

Unfortunately, update.cmd doesn't download freenet-ext.jar. And UOM *does* 
download new versions of the main jar even when it doesn't have the required 
freenet-ext.jar. So the only way to fix your node is to download the 
freenet-ext.jar manually, as Luke suggests. Or wait for the new update.cmd, 
which should be out any minute now.

Sorry, this will have cost us quite a few nodes... :<
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