On Wednesday 06 May 2009 19:18:13 Victor Denisov wrote:
> > Do you have uploads queued as well as downloads? Generally uploads cost a 
> > more than downloads do with db4o...
> No, only downloads. Total queued size varied between 25 Mb and 350 Mb in
> my tests (but actual total file size was often more than reported by
> Freenet, as some keys stayed at 0% for the duration of the test).
> Also, to clarify things, no background applications of notice (such as
> other P2P apps or distributed computing clients) were running during the
> test. I regularly run Azureus, eMule and I2P, but they all were stopped
> for the entire duration Freenet was running, as were MySQL and MS SQL
> Server instances I work on. I also tried disabling my antivirus/personal
> firewall (Agnitum Outpost Security Suite), but it didn't result in a
> noticeable improvement in performance.

Okay. And you have plenty of RAM. How big is the node.db4o file? I'm assuming 
it fits very comfortably in RAM, so what we are talking about here are 

Also, the node behaves like this (constant heavy disk i/o making using the 
system very problematic) for a long time, hours on end? Or just for spurts 
now and then?

Please could you get me some debug information?

Set the log level details to freenet.support.PrioritizedSerialExecutor:MINOR

Let the node run for an hour or so. Send me your statistics page and the 
contents of your last log (maybe narrow it down by grep'ing for 
PrioritizedSerialExecutor, hopefully there shouldn't be any keys or anything 
on the output).
> Regards,
> Victor Denisov.
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