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On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 7:12 PM, Matthew Toseland  wrote:
> On Wednesday 06 May 2009 19:18:13 Victor Denisov wrote:
>> > Do you have uploads queued as well as downloads? Generally uploads cost a
> bit
>> > more than downloads do with db4o...
>> No, only downloads. Total queued size varied between 25 Mb and 350 Mb in
>> my tests (but actual total file size was often more than reported by
>> Freenet, as some keys stayed at 0% for the duration of the test).
>> Also, to clarify things, no background applications of notice (such as
>> other P2P apps or distributed computing clients) were running during the
>> test. I regularly run Azureus, eMule and I2P, but they all were stopped
>> for the entire duration Freenet was running, as were MySQL and MS SQL
>> Server instances I work on. I also tried disabling my antivirus/personal
>> firewall (Agnitum Outpost Security Suite), but it didn't result in a
>> noticeable improvement in performance.
> Okay. And you have plenty of RAM. How big is the node.db4o file? I'm assuming
> it fits very comfortably in RAM, so what we are talking about here are
> *writes*.
> Also, the node behaves like this (constant heavy disk i/o making using the
> system very problematic) for a long time, hours on end? Or just for spurts
> now and then?
> Please could you get me some debug information?
> Set the log level details to freenet.support.PrioritizedSerialExecutor:MINOR
> Let the node run for an hour or so. Send me your statistics page and the
> contents of your last log (maybe narrow it down by grep'ing for
> PrioritizedSerialExecutor, hopefully there shouldn't be any keys or anything
> on the output).

Weird.  node.db4o was an insane 375 MB.  I deleted it and and added a
bunch of downloads.  Now it is less than 10 MB.  That definitely
helped some with the disk thrashing.

I think I found the main problem, and I'm embarrassed to say
apparantly I had xmlspider plugin running and writing GB+ files to the
same disk the node resides on.  I turned this off and the disk usage
became manageable.

I also upgraded my HDD from an older 2 MB cache model to one with 16
MB and now Freenet is zipping along nicely.

I did see some errors in the log so I am sending it to Toad for review.

P.S. I would recommend not installing the xmlspider by default on installs.

Victor - might this be your issue as well?

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