Sorry if I offended you, Dr Schaller.
However, I respectfully suggest that you look up the word "rant" in a 
before using it. I found your message offensive.


>From: Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller <>
>To: Support for Openmoko Device Owners <>
>Sent: Sat, March 19, 2011 9:17:11 AM
>Subject: Re: Login screen on firmware upgradation
>Hi Nick,
>it must be said that your rant does not help at all to answer
>the original support question.
>Hi Rijul,
>please check that your downloaded image is not corrupted.
>You can download and compare it with our copy which we
>have used successfully an uncounted number of times:
>You must also flash the image on the flat memory card
>(e.g. /dev/sdb) and not into a partition (and not /dev/sdb1 or /dev/sdb2).
>To boot from NOR flash, press the AUX button and
>then power on. The boot menu should appear within
>a second. Choose "boot from SD (ext)".
>Hope this helps,
>Am 19.03.2011 um 07:53 schrieb
>You know, folks, I think it's time to admit that the Openmoko project was a 
>failure, and move on.
>>It was a great idea and a lot of us supported it with our money as well as 
>>time, but the device as eventually sold was poorly designed and badly 
>>implemented. Even the people who bought it after several rounds of hardware 
>>bug-fixes got a clunky device with pathetic battery-life. Since the hardware 
>>crap, it's not surprising that software developers didn't exactly flock to 
>>Trying to make it usable is flogging a dead horse.
>>The nearest thing we will get to an "open" cellphone will probably be 
>>made by Samsung, Motorola, or one of the other big consumer-device companies, 
>>running Android.
>>I don't want to offend people, but I think it's time somebody came out and 
>>this. If you want to put your time and effort into Free Software, then pick a 
>>platform that has a future. Your time and effort are valuable even if you 
>>get paid for them; don't waste them.
>>>From: Rijul Jain <>
>>>Sent: Sat, March 19, 2011 5:43:27 AM
>>>Subject: Login screen on firmware upgradation
>>>i recently got a neo free runner and wanted to upgrade the firmware to 
>>>11 so i downloaded the image , wrote it on my uSD card and tried to boot it 
>>>the phone . It boots up file but after 2 mins , a Green Coloured Angstrom 
>>>came and it is stuck at om-gta02 login :_
>>>its been stuck there for hours and i dont know what to do
>>>Anyhelp would be appreciated . Thanks 
>>>Rijul Jain
>>support mailing list
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