Failure? Not at all. Openmoko, the project, helped to spin a lot of
important movements throughout the industry, and, even more important,
Openmoko Inc., the company, brought the first truly hackable mobile
phone hardware into the hands of 'everyone'. That's a major achievement
and I even go so far to say it's undisputable.

Yes, the hardware was not perfect, and yes, due to a bunch of management
failures combined with the economic crisis a couple of years ago, there
is no more mobile phone hardware coming from Openmoko Inc. To say that
Openmoko, the project, has no future is far from the truth and we can
see that every day watching the action happening on free hard- and
software projects all around the globe, such as GTA04, FSO, SHR, QtMoko.

Yes, much of the action has moved from the Openmoko devices to newer
devices, such as the HTC phones, Palm Pre, Nokia N900, etc., but again,
hardware ages, that's a given, and by no means a fault of Openmoko Inc.,
the company.



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