
On the newest version of the ISO (0.79.2) it produces the same error as I've been getting on previous ISOs ... (Waiting for Backend).  But in doing as the pfSense website indicates "Run 'installer' from the menu" I get a new setup/install.

My ? is: are we to run installer from the menu or are we to go into the shell and run the {/FreeSBIE/scripts/installer.sh} script?  I'm a little confused, but it looks like the "installer" from the menu is for installing F-BSD/DF-BSD, and the {FreeSBIE/scripts/installer.sh} script is for installing pfSense .... is this right?

Just looking for some clarification on the PROPER procedure for installing pfSense to the HDD.

Thanks all !!!
David L. Strout
Engineering Systems Plus, LLC

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