Ok, versions 0.80->0.80.2 installed without *too* much trouble, and my
remote network can now see the WAN and OPT interfaces.

One thing I did notice with 0.80 and 0.80.2 is that my firewall hangs
for about 5 minutes during boot on the following:

Configuring LAN interface... done.
Configuring WAN interface... done.
Configuring OPT interfaces... <insert 5 minute wait here>

The server just sits there winking LAN and WAN lights at me for about 5
minutes and then zips through everything else and comes online.  It's
probably a good thing that I won't need to reboot the server until I do
my next firmware upgrade. (which might not be for another 30 days...)

Ted Crow
Information Technology Manager
Tuttle Services, Inc.
(419) 228-6262 x 247 

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