Yeah, exactly! Another twist to is acutally then have CARP on top of the whole 
thing for failover firewalls :) I knew I would have to use Virtual IPs, but 
im still confused on how I would define the new default gateway for the 
second subnet, and also I might have to setup a second LAN subnet so I can 
NAT the whole thing. Im seeing if they can give me each subnet over a 
seperate VLAN, since then I have two "interfaces" per say. Any ideals though 
on my gateway issue and the second private subnet for NAT pruposes. Google 
seems no help since I think no one is doing this really, heh.


On Monday 06 February 2006 08:52, Bill Marquette wrote:
> On 2/6/06, Scott Ullrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Woops, try this link:
> >
> >policybased_multiwan.pdf
> >
> > On 2/6/06, Scott Ullrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > On 2/6/06, Brad Bendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Ive been running pfSense for about 4 months with a single WAN subnet.
> > > > I want to bring in another subnet from my ISP over the same physical
> > > > connection. Can PfSense support this at all? This new subnet might
> > > > either be a different class then my current (current is /28, might
> > > > bring in a /24). Does anyone know if this is possible, if so what
> > > > needs to be done? I was thinking it could be done with VLAN's but im
> > > > sure not sure if my provider can do that. Only drawback I see is the
> > > > amount of broadcast traffic you would have and the physical links
> > > > speed limitation, but 100mb will be more then enough for these two
> > > > subnets.
> > >
> > > Should work just fine.
> > >
> > > See
> > >
> > >n/policybased_multiwan.pdffor more information.
> Sounds more like he wants virtual IPs than multiple WAN connections.
> That's doable too :)
> --Bill
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Brad Bendy
Shock Webhosting, LLC.

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