On 2/6/06, Brad Bendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yeah, exactly! Another twist to is acutally then have CARP on top of the whole
> thing for failover firewalls :) I knew I would have to use Virtual IPs, but
> im still confused on how I would define the new default gateway for the
> second subnet, and also I might have to setup a second LAN subnet so I can
> NAT the whole thing. Im seeing if they can give me each subnet over a
> seperate VLAN, since then I have two "interfaces" per say. Any ideals though
> on my gateway issue and the second private subnet for NAT pruposes. Google
> seems no help since I think no one is doing this really, heh.

Personally, I'd have them drop both subnets down your pipe and just
deal with them on your end.  You will need to put a static route on
your WAN modem (I didn't catch if this was DSL, so I won't specify a
technology here) pointing the new subnet to your existing pfSense box
(CARP ip if multiple boxes) - in this case, you only need carp virtual
IPs for the existing subnet, you'll want "other" virtual IPs for the
new subnet (no need to run carp on them, the packets are already
routed to "the right place").  Right now you can't put interface
aliases on interfaces in pfSense (that code is work in progress) and
we don't yet support carpdev, so the alternative method of just
running two IP subnets on top of the same layer 2 network won't work
here.  The last alternative is putting another NIC in the pfSense box
to handle the other IPs on the same vlan, but unless your modem can
provide you with a second address (the policy based routing requires
unique gateway addresses), that's unlikely to work.  At any rate,
you've got a couple options (you already mentioned vlans) and I'm
confident that there's at least two ways this _could_ work, one of
which I know will work.


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