On 4/11/06, Randy B <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 4/5/06, Vivek Khera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > ISC's ntp is well known and understood and considered very accurate.
> > I see no other choice.
> After Running OpenNTP for a while now, I feel less uncomfortable with it -
> after the first 12 hours or so, the clock swings (+/-12ms) evened out, and
> it's staying quite comfortably within +/- 2-3ms with very little jitter.  In
> the following output of 'ntpq -c peers', the system in question is
> 'balrog-priv'; note the odd reference clock - I think that's an artifact of
> the minimal implementation that doesn't allow that level of querying.  In
> fact, for the most part it seems to stay well within 1ms (it refers to
> no-such-system, dies-irae, and the local system I'm querying from).

I might have to give it a try on my boxes (running OpenBSD) at work. 
ISC ntpd can't keep the clock sync'd when you have lots of jitter
(which we do - due to traffic loads on the box trying to be sync'd). 
It eventually gives up attempting to sync the clock.  A ntp daemon
"that works" it better than an ntp daemon that when it works, is
millisecond precise, but "doesn't work".  FWIW, when a carp pair gets
it's dates out of sync by more than a second or two, hilarity ensues
and it's _not_ a pretty sight (that was my joy first thing yesterday


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