Holger Bauer wrote:
It's not an geode problem.

Depends what you mean by "Geode problem".
I think that technically it's not the CPU itself that's the cause of
the problem.

The Geode GX CPU is always accompanied by a particular IC, fx. an
5530.  (Confusingly, the CPU itself is often referred to as a 5530
too.)  The companion chip can emulate various hardware by a technique
named Virtual System Architecture.  The VSA logic in the 5530
(companion) chip works in conjunction with VSA software in the BIOS,
so each Geode GX CPU also comes with particular BIOS modules.

(Whether the Flash ROM containing the BIOS is on the same core as the
companion chip or is a separate component, I don't know, but for cost
effectivity it's probably a separate component..  Anyway.)

And indeed the interesting patch (#3) which "prevents a fatal page
fault" technically does not fix a CPU problem but a BIOS-related
(INT15) issue.  I believe that the particular version of the BIOS code
that belongs to the particular version of the Geode that Nokia use in
their IP1xx-series has a problem which can be fixed by use of patch

pfSense runs fine on Soekris and Wrap boards
which all have Geode CPUs.

Which model, GX or NX?
The Geode GX is based on a Cyrix 6x86 CPU, while the NX is a Mobile Athlon.

(What stepping/version is the CPU, companion chip and BIOS modules?)

m0n0 which is based on Freebsd 4.x runs
fine on these devices afaik.

Unfortunately I want to use features from pfSense that are not
available in m0n0wall.

So, in short, if anyone has a working build environment and the
knowledge to build pfSense, I'm still very interested in an ISO :-).

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