Wow, I go off and have a few beers and this turns into a 25 message discussion!

On 6/1/06, Randy B <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I find it irrelevant to the discussion what others are doing, though :-).

Simply that this concept is alien to me, and I'm trying to grasp
context - the more outside examples the better.  It seems that what
you're looking for is somewhat similar to some of the higher-level
"shiny" bits on Cisco's PDM - just assign the rules and it'll figure
out where they go.

PIX, which is what PDM is made for (just try using PDM on a FWSM, I
dare ya!) is really only a two interface firewall.  Cisco's engineers
do NOT recommend the PDM interface if you have even a slightly complex
interface (and it certainly doesn't cover the full PIX feature set).

> It's all added complexity to me - the interface information is
> implicit in the network or host that's already defined for each rule
> anyway.  Having to stuff specific rules "into specific interfaces" is
> just completely superfluous, it seems to me.

So it's the presentation that gets you - you could know that under the
covers it's interface-based (and will always be, since networks are
interface-focused), and would probably want a hook that you could set
an explicit interface if need be, but otherwise don't want to be
bothered with it.  DWIM-ery (Do What I Mean) - a constant companion to
our friend from  I'd be willing to bet that this discussion
mirrors the GUI/CLI zealots' lines.  I fall in the latter group, but
find UI discussions fascinating.

Not that it's what you're asking for, but at one point when I put a
rule into the wrong interface on pfSense (been a long time ago), it
actually set it on the right one.

oops damn those bugs ;-P  Actually, we're kind of hoping true policy
routing makes it into Open and gets ported to Free which makes this
whole conversation pointless as interface specific rules will be


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