On 6/13/06, Raja Subramanian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 6/13/06, Holger Bauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> beta4 doesn't report this, but RC1 is sending some syslog info about the 
monitor IP:
> Jun 13 09:33:08         slbd[412]: Service wanpool changed status, reloading 
filter policy

All the /var/log/*.log files on my beta 4 box are binary and are
exactly 10000 bytes!
How can I read these files?

> Easiest thing is to send the info to a remote syslogserver that generates the 
email on this event. Mailnotification from the pfSense itself can't be done 
without hacking in some smtp support.

My pfSense box does not have any other unixen near by for syslog
support.  I would
like to export the syslog messages over RSS, and can submit a patch
for this if others
are also interested.

It'd be useful if this wasn't done via cron but at the users polling
interval.  ie the rss feed lived at
http(s)://firewallip/rss/system.php (or some such path) and that
displayed the rss on the fly with the correct mime type (you could
presumably also cache it then if needed to save on CPU).


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