Hi all,

I setup a new 1.0-RC2 box yesterday with a fairly simple config. On the wan side a /29 is available and the pfsense box has the second IP of that block for the wan interface and the first as the gateway. The lan side is all nat with simple shaper rules (just voip priority). A third interface is bridged with the WAN to make the additional IPs in our /29 available for some servers that want routable IPs. There are some simple allow rules for ports 22, 25, 53, 80, and 443 that specify any src address and the destination address(es) (as an alias) of the hosts on the bridged subnet.

Everything is working fine with the LAN, and I have no issues getting traffic in/out a host on the bridged interface. However I'm seeing that the "default block" action does not seem to be blocking anything to the bridged hosts. Nmap from outside shows everything open, and netcat confirms that I can pass two-way traffic initiated from outside to any bridged host. Additionally if I mark the "pass" rules for these hosts with the "log" flag and send traffic matching those pass rules, nothing is logged. If I setup an explicit deny rule for a bridged host that also has no effect.

What am I missing here? I have a similar setup at home and I don't recall doing anything special to block traffic to the bridged IPs. Nothing looks strange to me in rules.debug, but then again I have a very hard time reading through the traffic shaping parts of the config...



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