
I've got pfSense 1.0.1 (CD-ROM platform) running on a client's SOHO.
Last week they had a power failure and the UPS gave up the ghost before
a clean shutdown could be performed.

Fortunately. the client used the CLI interface to save the
configuration settings to a floppy disc before the power failure.
Unfortunately, when pfSense boots from the CD-ROM, it ignores the
config.xml and goes straight to the "configure interfaces" menu.

I had him verify the floppy by loading it into a Window$ box.  He sent
me the config.xml that was nestled in the conf/ directory.  A quick
glance at the file shows that indeed the settings were saved.

Any clue why pfSense refuses to read and process the config.xml file?
Any tips on how to force it to read the floppy?  I'm having the client
format and prepare a USB mass-storage device with the same directory
hierarchy as the floppy, in hopes pfSense will read successfully read
that device.


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