Can't get ntop to work on the latest snapshot.

I did a format/reinstall on this particular PC and no dice (reconfigured
it from scratch as well). Uninstalled/reinstalled package and that
doesn't work either.

Basically, the package installs, I get the ntop settings and ntop menu
option in pfSense, but when I try to access ntop on port 3000 (which is
where the "access ntop" link takes me), nothing responds (and yes there
is a firewall rule for it). The install AND uninstall of the package is
supposedly successful, and the package installation screen says that the
service was started, but it just plain doesn't respond. 

By the way, after subsequently uninstalling and reinstalling ntop, it
seems to reinstall VERY quickly (too quickly, in my opinion, but that
may be because the package has already been downloaded?)

Any clues? Any other info you need me to gather?


Dimitri Rodis 
Integrita Systems LLC 

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