I see no mention of ntop, yet the package installer insists that it is
installed (and if I uninstall/reinstall, it states that it started the
service successfully)

$ ps -A
    0  ??  WLs    0:00.00 [swapper]
    1  ??  ILs    0:00.00 /sbin/init --
    2  ??  DL     0:00.00 [crypto]
    3  ??  DL     0:00.00 [crypto returns]
    4  ??  DL     0:00.52 [g_event]
    5  ??  DL     0:00.76 [g_up]
    6  ??  DL     0:00.74 [g_down]
    7  ??  DL     0:00.00 [thread taskq]
    8  ??  DL     0:00.00 [acpi_task_0]
    9  ??  DL     0:00.00 [acpi_task_1]
   10  ??  RL   105:42.57 [idle: cpu0]
   11  ??  WL     1:33.57 [swi4: clock sio]
   12  ??  WL     0:00.00 [swi3: vm]
   13  ??  WL     0:00.19 [swi1: net]
   14  ??  DL     0:00.44 [yarrow]
   15  ??  WL     0:05.90 [swi6: task queue]
   16  ??  WL     0:00.00 [swi6: Giant taskq]
   17  ??  DL     0:00.00 [acpi_task_2]
   18  ??  WL     0:00.00 [swi5: +]
   19  ??  DL     0:00.00 [kqueue taskq]
   20  ??  WL     0:00.00 [swi2: cambio]
   21  ??  WL     0:00.00 [irq9: acpi0]
   22  ??  WL     0:00.00 [irq16: uhci0]
   23  ??  DL     0:00.00 [usb0]
   24  ??  DL     0:00.00 [usbtask]
   25  ??  WL     0:00.02 [irq19: sf0 uhci1]
   26  ??  DL     0:00.00 [usb1]
   27  ??  WL     1:52.96 [irq18: xl0 em0+]
   28  ??  DL     0:00.00 [usb2]
   29  ??  WL     0:00.00 [irq23: ehci0]
   30  ??  DL     0:00.00 [usb3]
   31  ??  WL     0:00.20 [irq14: ata0]
   32  ??  WL     0:00.00 [irq15: ata1]
   33  ??  DL     0:00.05 [fdc0]
   34  ??  WL     0:00.00 [irq1: atkbd0]
   35  ??  WL     0:00.00 [irq12: psm0]
   36  ??  WL     0:00.00 [swi0: sio]
   37  ??  WL     0:00.00 [irq7: ppc0]
   38  ??  DL     0:00.01 [pagedaemon]
   39  ??  DL     0:00.00 [vmdaemon]
   40  ??  RL     0:00.01 [idlepoll]
   41  ??  RL     0:01.76 [pagezero]
   42  ??  DL     0:00.06 [bufdaemon]
   43  ??  DL     0:00.39 [syncer]
   44  ??  DL     0:00.05 [vnlru]
   45  ??  DL     0:00.08 [softdepflush]
   46  ??  DL     0:00.63 [schedcpu]
   53  ??  DL     0:00.04 [md0]
  112  ??  Is     0:00.01 /sbin/devd
  183  ??  Ss     0:00.05 /usr/sbin/syslogd -s -f /var/etc/syslog.conf
  530  ??  R      0:00.95 /usr/local/sbin/lighttpd -f
  531  ??  Is     0:00.02 /usr/local/bin/php
  533  ??  I      0:00.50 /usr/local/bin/php
  549  ??  Is     0:00.02 /usr/local/bin/php
  554  ??  S      0:02.34 /usr/local/bin/php
  562  ??  I      0:00.00 /usr/local/sbin/dnsmasq
  638  ??  Ss     0:00.06 /usr/local/sbin/pftpx -q qP2PDown -c 8021 -g
8021 10.
  646  ??  Ss     0:00.24 /usr/local/sbin/ftpsesame -q qP2PDown -i em0
  649  ??  Ss     0:00.40 /usr/local/sbin/ftpsesame -q qP2PDown -i
  826  ??  Ss     0:00.02 ntpd: [priv] (ntpd)
  829  ??  Is     0:00.04 /usr/sbin/cron -s
  845  ??  Is     0:00.01 minicron 240 /var/run/ping_hosts.pid
  853  ??  Is     0:00.01 /usr/local/sbin/sshlockout_pf
12241  ??  ZN     0:00.02 <defunct>
12247  ??  IN     0:00.00 /bin/sh /var/db/rrd/updaterrd.sh
12248  ??  RN    80:16.29 pfctl -vsq
12249  ??  IN     0:00.00 [awk]
13577  ??  S      0:00.00 sh -c ps -A
13578  ??  R      0:00.00 ps -A
  852  v0  Is     0:00.02 login [pam] (login)
  854  v0  I      0:00.01 -sh (sh)
  855  v0  I+     0:00.01 /bin/sh /etc/rc.initial
  306 con- S      0:00.25 /usr/sbin/tcpdump -l -n -e -ttt -i pflog0
  307 con- I      0:00.00 logger -t pf -p local0.info
  718 con- IN     0:01.07 /bin/sh /var/db/rrd/updaterrd.sh
  825 con- I      0:00.19 ntpd: ntp engine (ntpd)
  841 con- SN     0:00.86 /usr/local/sbin/check_reload_status

$ netstat -a
Active Internet connections (including servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q  Local Address          Foreign Address
tcp4       0  15310  pfsense.https          (removed)
tcp4       0      0  localhost.ftp-proxy    *.*
tcp6       0      0  *.domain               *.*
tcp4       0      0  *.domain               *.*
tcp4       0      0  *.https                *.*
udp4       0      0  spanishtrails2.w.65060 dedibox.bitschin.ntp   
udp4       0      0  spanishtrails2.w.61789 trane.wu-wien.ac.ntp   
udp4       0      0  spanishtrails2.w.54543 www.icewarm.com..ntp   
udp4       0      0  spanishtrails2.w.60141 magma.woody.ch.ntp     
udp4       0      0  spanishtrails2.w.64172 ntp04.oal.ul.pt.ntp    
udp4       0      0  spanishtrails2.w.58719 srv1.dvmed.net.ntp     
udp4       0      0  spanishtrails2.w.62739 fog.mindcry.org.ntp    
udp4       0      0  spanishtrails2.w.62250 eth0-castralrock.ntp   
udp4       0      0  *.56406                *.*                    
udp6       0      0  *.domain               *.*                    
udp4       0      0  *.domain               *.*                    
udp4       0      0  *.syslog               *.*                    
udp6       0      0  *.syslog               *.*                    
Active UNIX domain sockets
Address  Type   Recv-Q Send-Q    Inode     Conn     Refs  Nextref Addr
c2449dac stream      0      0        0 c2449c94        0        0
c2449c94 stream      0      0        0 c2449dac        0        0
c244971c stream      0      0        0 c24497a8        0        0
c24497a8 stream      0      0        0 c244971c        0        0
c2449af0 stream      0      0 c2643dd0        0        0        0
c2449c08 stream      0      0 c26e8660        0        0        0
c244a000 stream      0      0 c2446550        0        0        0
c2449348 dgram       0      0        0 c2449e38        0 c2449460
c2449460 dgram       0      0        0 c2449e38        0 c24494ec
c24494ec dgram       0      0        0 c2449e38        0 c2449578
c2449578 dgram       0      0        0 c2449e38        0 c2449690
c2449690 dgram       0      0        0 c2449e38        0 c24498c0
c24498c0 dgram       0      0        0 c2449e38        0 c244994c
c244994c dgram       0      0        0 c2449e38        0 c24499d8
c24499d8 dgram       0      0        0 c2449e38        0 c2449d20
c2449a64 dgram       0      0        0 c2449ec4        0        0
c2449d20 dgram       0      0        0 c2449e38        0        0
c2449e38 dgram       0      0 c245a110        0 c2449348        0
c2449ec4 dgram       0      0 c245a220        0 c2449a64        0


From: Bestul, Kurt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 4:26 PM
To: support@pfsense.com
Subject: RE: [pfSense Support] ntop package on 03-27 snapshot

In addition to what the webGUI is telling you about NTOP's status, you
can confirm it's status by going to Diagnostic>Command Prompt and using
the "ps -A" command.  You should see NTOP in the resulting list if it's
If it is running, you can also do a "netstat -a" from Diagnostic>Command
Prompt to see what ports are being listened to.  If port 3000 is listed,
stop NTOP and then try netstat again to see if it goes away.
On my install, NTOP only responds at http://myhostname:3000/
Are you accessing the webGUI at this point from the LAN side or the WAN

From: Dimitri Rodis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 4:53 PM
To: support@pfsense.com
Subject: [pfSense Support] ntop package on 03-27 snapshot

Can't get ntop to work on the latest snapshot.

I did a format/reinstall on this particular PC and no dice (reconfigured
it from scratch as well). Uninstalled/reinstalled package and that
doesn't work either.

Basically, the package installs, I get the ntop settings and ntop menu
option in pfSense, but when I try to access ntop on port 3000 (which is
where the "access ntop" link takes me), nothing responds (and yes there
is a firewall rule for it). The install AND uninstall of the package is
supposedly successful, and the package installation screen says that the
service was started, but it just plain doesn't respond. 

By the way, after subsequently uninstalling and reinstalling ntop, it
seems to reinstall VERY quickly (too quickly, in my opinion, but that
may be because the package has already been downloaded?)

Any clues? Any other info you need me to gather?


Dimitri Rodis
Integrita Systems LLC

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