Paul M wrote:
Ugo Bellavance wrote:
VLAN 101 contains ports that are connected directly to the internet
(PfSense WAN port, internet port (it is in colocation), other servers
that would be connected directly to the internet (not behind PfSense).

VLAN 102 contains ports that are connected to devices in the Subnet1,
let's say

VLAN 103 contains ports that are connected to devices in the Subnet2,
let's say

this seems OK, I think, once you've created vlans you assign the wan and
lan ports appropriately, then make vlan103 be say OPT1 (and rename it to

Ok, done.

However, subnet2 is completely isolated.  It cannot talk to anyone, nor
to the fw, nor the subnet1, nor the internet.

if you manually add static routes to hosts on vlan103, does it work?
what are you seeing in the arp tables on the hosts?

I did create a static route giving the OPT1 IP address as gateway, still no go. However, they are in a datacenter and I'm not sure if the cables are all connected correctly. I'll check and will test again.

Thanks a lot.,


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