I have tried everything I can think of to get CP
to auth, but to no avail.  It (lighttpd) seems to
be running ...

# ps -ax | grep lighttpd
  643  ??  S      0:00.90 /usr/local/sbin/lighttpd
-f /var/etc/lighty-webConfigurator.conf
 5560  ??  S      0:00.13 /usr/local/sbin/lighttpd
-f /var/etc/lighty-CaptivePortal.conf

I am hesitant to post the ipfw output as there are
many global addresses I wouldn't imagine the
client would want published publicly .... is there
something I can look for and relay to you?  I
suppose I could do a global find and replace too,
but that seems to defeat the purpose I suspect.

David L. Strout
Engineering Systems Plus, LLC

----- Original Message -----
Subject: Re: [pfSense Support] CP broken ??
To: support@pfsense.com
Date: 01-04-2008 6:33 pm

> DLStrout wrote:
> > I upgraded a pfS box over vacation to SNAP:
> >
> > 1.2-RC3
> > built on Sat Dec 29 09:06:06 EST 2007
> >
> > and I have several users that are complaining
> > (well not complaining .. cheering actually)
> > they never get challenged for UN/PW.  I just
> > confirmed this with my WiFi laptop and sure
> > ... no UN/PW prompt.  I ran through the
setting on
> > the FW and nothing seems to have changed.  I
> > stopped and restarted the lighttpd (CP)
> > and nothing!  I wonder if anyone else has seen
> > this CP issue?
> >   
> The only thing that's changed in CP in ages is
the locking change to fix 
> rule removal in high load environments. We put
significant testing 
> effort into that change, so I very much doubt it
broke anything. Plus 
> it's been in there for a while now and nobody
has screamed, and there 
> are some large production environments running
the current code.
> Can you paste the output of "ipfw show"?
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