Where would I go if I wanted to grab the source of the FreeRADIUS
package and potentially add some features?


I am looking to add some support for additional parameters to return to
radius clients-for example, I am setting up a network for a couple of
office buildings, and they purchased two HP 3500yl switches. I would
like to be able to provision tenants for NATted internet access, or
provision them for "direct" internet access based on the mac based
authentication scheme that the hp switches have. It is possible to
dynamically assign clients to a particular VLAN on those switches via a
radius server based on the response from the radius server-so, since we
are already using pfSense out there, I figure that maybe I can look into
adding support for some of these additional radius user/client options
in the FreeRADIUS package and contribute them back.


Bill, I think you are the maintainer of that package?


Dimitri Rodis

Integrita Systems LLC 



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