2008/5/11 Michael Smirnov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello!
>  First of all, does pfSense support
>  - pptp vpn interfaces as WAN


>  - more than one(I need 8) pptp vpn interface as WAN


>  Is there a workaround to connect all 8 pptp connections
>  from pfSense simultaneously?

Not a good one. 8 installs could do it, then put one install inside
those 8 installs to balance between them. If you can use a cheap NAT
device of some sort on 7 of them, connect the NAT devices to 7 pfSense
interfaces, and use one on pfSense's WAN, then it'll work.

Only way PPTP on multiple WANs will ever get implemented is if you can
contribute code or someone else can in the future.  None of the
current developers have PPTP Internet connections.

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