> Date: Thu, 15 May 2008 20:47:26 +0200
> To: support@pfsense.com
> Subject: Re: [pfSense Support] Virtualizing pfSense
> Am 15.05.2008 um 19:24 schrieb Sean Cavanaugh:
> >
> >> ______________________________
> >> Date: Thu, 15 May 2008 12:05:53 -0400
> >> To: support@pfsense.com
> >> Subject: [pfSense Support] Virtualizing pfSense
> >>
> >> Good Day All,
> >>
> >> I would like to take a reasonable machine and run some  
> >> virtualization software on it so that I can run both pfSense and a  
> >> copy of a standard workstation image so I can>use it for remote  
> >> testing.  The workstation image will not need to run that often  
> >> but I need to make sure it is running in the same type of  
> >> environment as the rest of the>internal workstations.
> >>
> >> Can I safely run pfSense and another OS in a virtualized  
> >> environment without compromising security?
> >>
> >> If so can you give me a basic idea of what I need.  Do I need 3  
> >> physical NICs in the machine 1 WAN, 1 LAN, 1 for the workstation  
> >> image.  I will probably use VMWare>Workstation 6.0 is there  
> >> anything special I need to do with it, etc.
> >>
> >> Your help is greatly appreciated.  I have pfSense running in a  
> >> number of buildings and it works great but this is just one more  
> >> new twist to it for me.
> >>
> >> Ron.
> >>
> >
> > I currently run this type of setup at home. I have a windows 2003  
> > server with VMWare server 2.0 beta running on it.
> Does VMware Server 2.0 come with VMware Tools for FreeBSD6?
> And how do you install them in pfSense?
> Rainer

for the record, VMWare tools is included in the ports collection and they dont 
really do anything beyond provide a clock sync between the virtual image and 
the host PC which if set up properly wont skew off by enough to really worry 
about anyway. they are almost not worth installing. pfSense has an option to 
sync to an NTP server already and i just run an NTP sync program within my BSD 
server image.

but yes VMWare Server does come with the tools ISO's


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