On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 8:20 AM, Jason J. Ellingson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It is likely that they are doing as I do... Use pfSense for firewall and
> VPN, while using Untangle for strictly filtering purposes (web, mail,
> etc) and not firewalling.

The conjecture is appreciated, but unless you're experiencing the same
problem (CP doesn't work with bridged Untangle) I'm not sure it's
valid.  If you are having the same problem or have solved it already,
please do share.  I can guess what the problem is and a likely fix,
but that's irrelevant (and presumptive) until the 'customer' more
clearly states the problem.

They're both network control devices that have been developed with
differing philosophies and are not explicitly designed to work
together.  Hence, the need to know *precisely* what role the Untangle
device is playing in their network.

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