On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 9:16 PM, Tim Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I agree... and also try completely removing the Untangle box from the
> network to see if the problem clears up.


thanks all the people support.

let me clarify as the people asking why iam using both the product

simple reason, UT does not have capitive portal.

then coming to UT and Pf problem, i have removed UT from bridge mode and
connect directly PC, capitive portal works charm. when i itroduce UT in
bridge mode, it does not work , authentication go smooth, then i wont be
able to browse.

i have made all the services OFF, but no use.

I have posted the same problem at UT Forum

one of the moderator replies this

" Fact of captive portal which is MAC based, and UT is a b-router so passing
it's own MAC. See the m0n0wall and pfsense mail lists for support on that.
(Which for m0n0wall might be me)"

any one have clue how to resolve this problem


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