On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 10:14 PM, Aliet Santiesteban Sifontes
> Well, my pps requirements are 500 kpps, we expect to improve to 400

In lab testing of FreeBSD 6.2, I ran out of horsepower on my two test
boxes (HP DL145G2 - dual core Opteron boxes) generating around 400k
pps of 64byte udp frames through HP DL380G5 and HPDL385G2 boxes.  CPU
wise, we ran 20% lower CPU usage on the AMD processors than the Intel
- this was likely due to CPU cache differences.  We could have pushed
them harder with a few more generator machines, but pure pps wasn't a
huge issue for us and that far exceeded the packet rates we see in
production (around 150k pps, but much closer to 1gigabit traffic
rates).  If you really have that high of a pps requirement, I'd highly
recommend Intel NICs and I wouldn't bother with the PCI slots, that'll
just slow you down - just get a quad card instead.

I'm interested in hearing your results on this hardware - I would
guess you'll be running at about 50-60% CPU load (we went with dual
dual core boxes to leave a little CPU headroom, our hottest machines
are now running around 40% cpu usage on FreeBSD 6.2).

The 1.2.1 beta's should be of interest to you as it's on the FreeBSD
7.0 line and should see some speed improvements.


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